Hungary Romania solution

So I realized thar Hungary and Romania had a lot in common, they both fought with Germany in WW2, they both wanted to fight the degenerate bolsheviks, and they both had to deal with Eastern bloc.

Unfortunately there is still tension due to disputed territory due to entente drawing the borders. Is this pic the best solution to Transylvania question

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Please fix the balkan region too, America, I want to see how you do it



Fuck off, Szekely scum.

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The boarders are fine the way they are.

Itsca stupid excuse to keep us fighting one another.

We'd be better off with a military alliance.

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There are only ever two maps when Americans fix the Balkans
>Two large countries usually labeled "Byzantium" and "Yugoslavia" that take up the entire map
>Over 20 countries, one for every minor dialect and religious minority

Fuck it
All of it to Greece except croatia, that goes to the Hungarians

ok nigger

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So I realized thar Usa, canada and mexico had a lot in common, they both fought Germany in WW2, they all wanted to fight the degenerate bolsheviks, and they all had to deal with Eastern bloc.

Unfortunately there is still tension due to disputed territory due to entente drawing the borders. Is this pic the best solution to nigger, mutt, tranny and beaner question

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there is literally no problem right now that both countries are in EU and there is freedom of movement between them. on top of that the hungarian minority in romania are incentivized to maintain the status quo because the hungarian regions are getting more taxes than they give and they also receive money from the hungarian government

the fact that you are autistic enough to make that map, yet don't even take recent history in to consideration is amazing. You mutts never fail to amaze us.

Guys I think I solved all of Europe's border problems. We must simply form a new state, in the area defined by the black line in this map.

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i think both romanians and hungarians should return to their ancestral homelands

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The 1941 borders were the best compromise

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good thing no one asked the americans when we got transilvania back.

Idk why everyone is mad and saying “sex”

I explained that the redrawing of borders by the entente after ww1 was what fucked things up. Everyone knows that Austro Hungary would have to redraw borders eventually, but the problem was that it was imposed by outside forces, these borders were drawn by meditation and negotiations between nations of A-H

now I’m here to ask, if you had the chance to make fair borders after WW1, something that’s fair for both Hungary and Romania
Genuinely curious on whether a good faith compromise can be made between 2 European countries on disputed territories with ethnic minorities

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you only got transylvania because of the americans

>pic the best solution
no all of it is jewish clay it belongs in the ocuntry of romanian as an autonoumouse zone for the jews

Lmfao, there is no disputed territory, there is no land that Americans lost that are majority white America

It’s different with Hungary tho, they lost land that include a small patch of land with historically majority Hungarian. That’s why I found the original map to be interesting


You're a fucking retard

You’re an insufferable piece of shit. I already explained that this map would in the post WW1 context, not the modern context. Learn to read you fucking retard.

go fuck yourself all of it was majority white not long ago

Stop pretending you understand eastern European history and politics after watching a 30 minute YouTube video

Go cum in a spic

The original map I posted (this map would be implemented after WW1) seems much better since Romanians barely lose any territory, all they would lose would be the Hungarian Szekely

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Transylvania had a Hungarian majority until it accepted a lot of Romanian and Serbian refugees to replace the population decimated during the Ottoman-Hungarian wars

the same thing is happening in USA today when hordes of latino migrants (who speak the same language as romanians) are arriving in USA today

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Too many non Hungarians in second Vienna award, the original pic would lead to ethnically homogenous states

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the romanian maps are fake because they include mountains and forests where nobody lives as "ethnic romanian territory"

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it is jewish land within the country of romanai hun garians can go get shafted

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What year was this map?

seocnd vienna award had more than 50% Hungarians
if we count only human beings (and exclude romanians, gypsies and jews) then the human population is more than 90%

uninformed mutt is uninformed

1495, before the defeat at Mohacs