Capitalism is literally retards. And it's zero sum. A pays b 100, b pays a 99, a pays b 98 etc...

Capitalism is literally retards. And it's zero sum. A pays b 100, b pays a 99, a pays b 98 etc. Its impossible for profit to exist and you are all retards who can't add numbers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>literally retards
>doesnt understand what 0 sum is

youre a nigger, arent you?


Worse. A college graduate

Libs annihilated

Capitalism is literally retardation

Check the noses.

makes sense

capitalizm cant work if people dont have incentive under the form of profit.
thats why the consumer pays 100
the shop owner 99 (1 usd profit when sells)
the wholesaler 98 (1 usd profit)

each time to give incentive to take part in the system.

Well done jidf

What a retarded reply jidf

>a owns good x
>b owns good y
>a values y more than x
>b values x more than y
>a and b trade x and y.
>a and b both gain value

Until it hits zero

Until what hits 0?

youre an absolute retard, commie
also calling someone jidf works only if it makes sense...
which you just *wont get right.

>youre just too dim for that

You're literally a retard and can't read

You are literally retarded. You can't write a coherent statement.

no you're retarded

So, in your homosexual fever dream, two actors are passing money back and forth with no good attached and deincrementing the value by 1 until it hits zero? This is capitalism?

Actually, faggot, let's use your analogy, because it is descriptive of a certain type of system. In communism, A is the state and B is the people.

Yes that's capitalism it's retarded.

congratulations. communism has the exact same problem

now reject the jewish materialistic dialectic, embrace the third position

all the transactions are net gain for both parties. otherwise they wouldn’t happen.

Capitalism is motivating people to do jobs they don't want to do, even though those jobs still need to be done. Capitalism will pay you money to go down and unclog the sewers. Communism will force you at gunpoint to do it for nothing.

Let's talk about why dilbit gums up refineries.

That's wrong, those kinds of jobs are done by the government or whatever, a lot of oil workers work for free and just do it for the meth.

Gay needing attention.

Everyone will die in 6mo

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>capitalism is when two people pass money back and forth to each other with no good attached and decrement the money each time.
It's a good thing this retarded system you've described doesn't exist.

‘done by the government or whatever‘

Yup - definitely retarded.

It does exist

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You missed the part where wealth is created.

That's great and all, but the current state we're in is nothing close to capitalism. Also, get a job. Your mother is worried about you.