Meme's aside

meme's aside
what's wrong with paganism ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>ethnic religions (christian):
pagan sources:

Paganism is a fake category. Created by jews to lump belief systems that have nothing to do with each other together

The great Aryan awakening.

The symbol of our race and movement is the Yule (the six spoke wheel)

Here is more info.

Newest english translation of the oera linda book

The audio reading of the Aryan Scriptures

Three videos dealing with a introduction to the Aryan Scriptures

Here is a link dealing with our origin and evidence

And a prayer for all Aryans

Wear the symbol proudly.

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Christianity is impossible to be an ethnic religion

All I have on Christianity, the teachings, morals, philosophy, law, history, origin etc.

Christianity being in opposition to jewry:
Pagan gods being the angels
Historical Evidence for Jesus
How Christianity transformed the wold
Correcting claims on common misrepresented parts of the history:
Sodom and Gomorrah
"Dinosaurs", Behemoths and Nephilim
Teachings, Doctrines and Guidelines
Pauls work
OT and NT belonging together:
The destruction of the Temple
Logical argument for the christian God
Different teachings within Genesis:
Sun as symbol for God
Purpose behind good and evil
Afterlife and Judgementday:
Why Jesus is needed:
Role of the chosen people

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Yuk, this is stupid, every single link is worse than scat archive. Delete this

Nothing, but its not well established yet so it doesn't have developed social patterns yet

Spamming faggot.

>why is x y

It is not a real faith, it's pure LARPing.

Most LARPagans are atheists who promote this crap because they think it will make the white populations of their countries redpilled and willing to fight for their ideas.

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That drawing isn't of Yaweh, fuck off with your flying spaghetti monster ass memes retard

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>be animist
>don't give a shit about any religion and just try to embody my totem the best I can

I will become chadstag forest man and there will be nothing you can do about it.

The people currently practicing it.
At least when whites adopted Christianity, they used it like white people.

“Paganism” is an ancient science with simply different versions focusing on different interpretations/aspects of the same metaphysical system. Regardless of if the gods are actual beings, archetypes, or simply symbols- they exist. Paganism was a way of departing knowledge about the physical and metaphysical world through symbolism that could only be understood by the imitate- to preserve the knowledge throughout time. You cannot understand paganism unless you read Revolt Against The Modern World. The pagans on Any Forums are laughable, especially because they are indeed atheist who only like paganism because right is “le white” and believe in stuff like evolution which is totally antithetical to a spiritual worldview. True pagans understand that the physical world Morris the metaphysical and that difference meant forces and energies permeate all aspects of exist on a minor and major level.

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No texts or anything left to show how to worship.

Also all pagans are “monotheist” in that most mythologies usually have an original creator God that all gods stem from or are an aspect of. The generator or the totality of existence.

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Allow me to explain what I believe the gods mean in “paganism, in the context of the Egyptian creator of the physical world and god of craftsmen, Ptah

Ptah is a lame god in that he is bounded in mummy form, a strange feature for a craftsman and architect to posses. But we must take into account Ptah “crafted the world in His heart”, the entire world, and the subsequent cycles would go through were already pre-determined as a watchmaker designs a watch that runs on it’s own, and all He had to do to bring them about was “think.” The movements of continents, glaciers, erosion, and other such factors are all environmental factors that were created and “wound up” by Ptah, or any other name the Creator goes by, and that can chiefly be seen in environments such as the winter mountains, the spring valley, or the summer shores. On the other hand, that is why God (as in the original Creator) does not interject in matters of good and evil, he is merely the generator, not the administrator. Lesser gods however, do interfere, and their prescience can be felt by anyone in tune with nature and their mind. This symbolism is what mythological anthropologist, ancient astronaut theories, and Magians neglect in their analysis of myth, neglecting the metaphysical significance of the gods and reducing it to men, only natural factors, demons, or aliens. So regardless if the pagan myths or gods actually exist as beings, they still exist as a solid system of understanding reality, it’s subjects and forces. And through better understanding reality, we better understand ourselves for humans on a biological and spiritual level in their interactions and within themselves mirror the cosmos. The system of ocean currents is like the circulatory system of the human body, the entire planet is a living entity in itself, Geb, or Gaia.

Most paganism is folk religion, meaning it's practices and customs very from tribe to tribe, village to village, and many of them lack real ritual/organization.
For example, a village on the water would make offerings to gods for fish, but villages in the valley would make rituals to the same gods for crops, as society evolved and technology came about these offering, rites, and rituals died out, and so new ones came for new things

Many pagen religions don't require true sacrifices, their rituals and rites are just made up on the spot for a given issues, they don't ask you to give yourself fully unto them. Anymore pegans religions have become religions of convince, to make those who follow them feel spiritual and religions but sacrificing little to nothing for it.

Father Seraphim Rose diagnoses the effects of Liberalism beautifully in his book on Nihilism. He breaks it into roughly 4 progressive stages:

Step 1. Surface Level Liberalism (Seemingly innocuous loosening of moral and political restraint in the name of freedom and progress)
Step 2. Realism/Materialism (Rampant exploration of the depths of material phenomena as seen in the obsession with "science")
Step 3. Vitalism (Neglected and ailing souls look to once denounced pagan, New Age and esoteric "spiritual" practices to fill the infinite rift that God once had in them, leading to abuse of psychedelics and obsession with "visitations" from so-called "aliens" and so forth)
Step 4. Destruction (Nihilism fully formed in the masses who, like malignant cancer cells, resolve to destroying everything in sight, attempting to drown reality itself into non-reality)

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>hur dur pagans worship trees
>ha ha let’s destroy their stuff
Why do you revel in the idea of destroying small and local cultures?

There's no reason to believe in paganism for the rational human because it's completely stupid. These pagan gods are believed to be directly involved in the lives of humans and many are said to directly even come into our world and interact with us. If these pagan gods were real, then why were they conquered, why were their people conquered, why were their statues destroyed, why were their temples destroyed, why are they forgotten today? Why worship a defeated, false god?

Well for starters there’s just one god, and the pagans themselves deduced this

Right away you are wrong. Christianity is a kike sub cult designed to weaken the gentiles. There is no maybe about this.

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We know better now. Imagine having the full revelation of God, yet bandie around some pathetic cope stories.

Invented by sandniggers too.

All religions are pure LARPing if you aren't retarded or demented enough to believe them.

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>All religions are pure LARPing if you aren't retarded or demented enough to believe them.

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For starters pagans don't worship jews so that's a big no-no, you have to worship jews like we Christians so.

>There's no reason to believe in paganism for the rational human because it's completely stupid.
There was a time when people were “very stupid” and the majority could not understand raw scientific or metaphysical phenomena. This symbol is was used to teach them. You need to get the idea of a Zeus as a bearded man in the clouds out of your head. Jus like Christians depict the Holy Spirit as a dove, that is how the attributes of an cosmic is me indescribable being are represented. For example the god of mummification in Egypt is Anubis. Why is this? Because dogs are spooky and they actually thought a dog proceeded over rh mummification? No. Because jackals would scrounge around the cemeteries digging up corpses, consuming them, release them, in which the waste of the dogs would fertilize the earth from which plants would grow. The transformation of life, into death, into new life in a new form. A symbol of an allegory, of something higher.


There's no reason to believe in Christianity for the rational human because it's completely stupid. That Christian god is believed to be directly involved in the lives of humans and many times are said to directly even come into our world and interact with us. If this Christian god were real, then why was it conquered, why were its people conquered, why were its statues destroyed, why were its temples destroyed, why is he forgotten today? Why worship a defeated, false god?

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Gothic cathedrals are an echo of the Faustian spirit, not the Christian one. Just look at churches in Africa. That image is a false dichotomy. The Catholic Church likes to LARP as the successors of the Roman Empire, and thus much of their structure is grounded in developments from pagans.

Also what is wrong with living in a small village anyway. You people always bash the Celtic and Germanic peoples for their quaint way of life, but as long as you are among your own people and nature in the land of your ancestors what more does it matter. Empire can be great, but it will usually devolve into tyranny with its technologies and assets used against the citizens. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH A QUAINT WAY OF LIFE. I much rather live like the Germanics did than in Catholic empire that can be hijacked by a sick pope.

"paganism" is a derogatory term invented by invading, genociding, iconoclastic, crazy-in-the-head zealot christian golems to lump in all their non-christian blood brothers which they had to kill to satisfy the blood lust of the elites/jews.
paganism does therefore not exist and is entirely fictional and everything you know about it you know from jewish movies and documentaries and studies. In reality there were pre-christian folk religions which were similar to modern eastern religions like shinto.

Literally both the LARPagans and Christcucks have no idea what they are talking about. Any Forums pagans have zero understanding of metaphysics and Any Forums Christians are stuck up authoritarians. It would be logical to assume both sides are controlled and simply trying to make it worse for everyone…

the problem is all pagan religions died 1000 years ago and everything about neo-paganism is a larp. the cultures that created them are dead, the people that worshipped them are long gone, and it's a pathetic, soulless shell of what it once was. neo-p*gans can't get a grip on this, and they only serve their enemies by destroying the christian structures that europe became strongest under, while offering nothing stable to replace it with. sorry anons, but nobody with a faithful bone in their body wants to usurp the religions of their fathers-fathers with a romanticized larp novel written by an icelandic priest 300 years after the last vikang ships set sail, all because some jew on the internet uses his religion to discredit the hated christians

>rich culture
>a select few oppressing murdering and oppressing others who dare mention "hey uh maybe this hebrew text is bullshit" with a poor populace that eats slop all day treated like sub humans.

It literally has never been anything but a dark cult that uses its teaching to oppress the citizen and empower the people on top.

>but muh cult art for the vainglorious shitheads in power

All things produced from it were done in spite of it, imagine what these artists could have made if they weren't being forced to draw jewish fables. Imagine what technology could be if it wasn't limited by suggesting maybe the Earth isn't the center of existence. Garbage a detriment to all mankind.

>has never heard of Hesiod
People who say stuff like this pretend the Greek and Romans don’t exist. And those gods are much more well known than the Norse ones. Bullshit.


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new agers look towards a fictional future, larp-pagans look towards a fictional past. Same type of confused cringe and emotional cheese but slightly different packaging.