A message for my white friends

Wanna know what's unfortunate, the fact that I am a Jew. Living in this time and all times, a Jew is seen as a parasite, for which the most part, he is and has been for a while as he is in control of the money. But for me it's unfortunate because unlike the Jews with the money, power and control over a population, I do not believe the whites to be an enemy of any sort, but something of brethren. It is baffling to me how the Rothschilds want you people gone. You have built up society and made it valuable and time and time again in the past have you been tolerant and shown mercy to the retards within my people, only forcing judgment after they foolishly crossed the line and ignored the multiple warnings and moments of mercy given to them. I absolutely understand the frustration and annoyance you individuals have with my people, and more or less I share it. I am annoyed that we are brought down by fools and idiots that call themselves Jewish and have successfully and permanently tarnished our name. And I am annoyed that there are Jews who think they are better than whites and the rest of the world and somehow manage to slip into a position of power and bring suffering to not only the whites, but by ignorance, toe the people they claim to be apart of! To hate the "Jew" as an individual is to only understand the half-truth, but to hate the Jew that plays god and who controls is to hate the true and universal enemy. These people, with their powerful aristocrat families make us all suffer, and for us Jews, most suffer like you, and are also hated by the world on-top of that. You will not see or hear many common, middle-class Jews say this but many are enraged by the actions taken by the few but abusive rich and powerful within our culture for these actions directly effect the common and yes, more or less innocent, Jew. It's Any Forums, and it's Any Forums out of all the places so I don't expect many of you to really care, but we do share a common enemy.

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fellow jew here, genetically jewish
i think claiming to be chosen by god is universally abhorrent
so just like Jesus
i oppose Judaism
and will die fighting before they nail me to a cross

You need to realize that a cult of Satan operates in your people


Kike, there is no way in hell I'm reading that

(((they))) are everywheye
look for those that identify themselves with the square and compass

We already know rich Jews throw you guys under the bus at any opportunity.
Reform Jews tend to be lefty drones though, so it's whatever to me.

You benefit from Jewish group action and identity, so it's only fair to blame you for it, too.

Want to be a good Jew? Speak out against it, like Gilad Atzmon.

It's too late to apologize.

Apologies for the wall of text but it's hard for me to convey what I'm truly trying to say here. I do not think the Lord has brought us I to the world to be endlessly fighting eachother. That's why niggers and chinks exist lol. Were supposed to wipe them out together, like two neighbors going on a hunt together. But because of greed and evil, a select few of my people have used their smarts to undermine and destroy, and by collateral damage, permanently destroy the reputation of the commoner Jew for all of eternity. These greedy have ruined everything wonderful and have tarnished the possibilities of anything great in the future. There are great possibilities if we could unite in an alliance and in a brotherhood. The smartest races in history, working hand in hand instead of against eachother. We must find a way because destruction is not a sustainable path. I wish you all the best fellow Any Forumstards. o7

I have and the fucking "activist" groups pumped full of laundered money use my half german and Austrian ancestry against me lol

It's not apologies, it's a call to action. I'm tired of being stepped on and watching you and your people be stepped on by people who claim to be us. Who try so hard to control us. We were not meant to be enemies.

Fuck leftists lol communism get the rope like any other degenerates. Communism is a "controlling Jew" shill either way, so the "reformed" are not reformed at all.

And by my word will I spend my life trying to purge it.

tough shit kike, kill yourself

> You will not see or hear many common, middle-class Jews say this but many are enraged by the actions taken by the few but abusive rich and powerful within our culture
So you are a bunch of yellow bellied weasels and cowards who do not speak out against these rich and powerful cunts despite wearing the Enchanted Kippa of Cannot Be Racist (+5 against accusations of wrongthink). That does not exactly endear these "based" middle class kikes to me, you know?

> but we do share a common enemy
You claim that. And yet you do none of the fighting against that "common enemy". And that's why you will hang as well. Deservedly so.

I can’t speak for this board, but I don’t hate anyone just because of their ethnicity. I only hate those who push to negatively affect my family’s free will, safety, and happiness. The unfortunate reality is that most people who fit that criteria are either Jew or negro.

My family has been here for over 400 years. My German ancestors left long before the nazis. We didn’t own slaves. We were farmers and we did the work ourselves. Yet, the new subverts the negro in to believing that my family put them in chains and that my ancestors exterminated Jews. We did neither. We just want to be left alone.

One again, you’re being held to account for the sins of people you’ve never known simply for being associated with them or sharing a common ancestry.

The difference is, you can claim to be “white” when it benefits you, while using your Jew card to shed persecution for the color of your skin in this current age. I don’t have that option.

I’m proud to be white. Fuck the elites and fuck anyone who wants to take that pride from my people.

didnt read dont care. no one should ever take trusting a kike into consideration.

>We just want to be left alone.
Amen to that. 2.5 kids and a dog, as they say. Without going into detail, that future is what I have been robbed of, thanks to Jewish machinations. These days, hate and the uncertain prospect of revenge is all that keeps me going. And when the day of the reckoning finally comes, I'm not going to make a distinction between Internationales Finanzjudentum and the NPC kikes who didn't even speak up because their rabbi told them goyim getting fucked seven ways from Sunday was a Good Thing.

My best friend of 30 years is Jewpanese. His English wife tells him he’s only successful because of white privilege. Lefty whites are worse than the Jews that manipulated them. Literally both sides of his ancestry were in concentration camps(which he never brings up because it’s irrelevant), and this cunt tells him he has privilege.

I get the anger. I honestly don’t know what type of person I’ll be if that day comes.

I'm Jewish too