Why do right wingers reject masks?

Do they not realize that masks prevent infections?

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Because studies all showed they are useless and any monkey with an internet access could work it out from the start.

>Because studies all showed they are useless and any monkey with an internet access could work it out from the start.
Ok retard

I wear masks, why would I want my face on camera

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Swallow a bullet, shitbreath


They teach the facial/biometric AI to recognize (You) with a mask on. How you walk, move, carry yourself etc in case you do have a mask and they want to find you in a crowd.

I have not forgotten to apply herb in this post either.

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>ignores all studies provided from unbiased sources..
>Links propaganda created during the coof to justify mandated face diapers.
Who's the retard? Why did you bother coming here? Go back to plebbit niggerfaggot. You will never be a woman.

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unlike leftniggers, we're human beings and we value the importance of human connection. masks prevent such connection.

My jawline and chin are considered far too handsome for face coverings....I feel for you chinlet. No, actually I do not.

right winters are so fat (average weight about 200kg) that they need oxygen machines on their face when they ride their scooters at shartmart. have you ever tried to fit a mask over oxygen tubes? hard to get a good seal

Because I don't like being told what to do.

They don’t work. And they make you look like a pedophile rapist, aka a leftist.

Psy op. Zog dosent want to normalise masks. It would kill their security camera networks and their face recondition programs.

I want a T-shirt made that just says "implying masks do shit"

They can't handle adult things. They need to be fed conspiracy theories by somebody who is entertaining.

masks were advised against for several decades prior to march 2020


Nice try, pedophile.

The same reason as to why I don't like niggers; they don't work.

Go ahead and show all the “protection” percentages that the media was posting? Double and triple masking faggots using cloths and surgeon masks. We haven’t even gone through the “breakthrough” cases either lmao

>They don’t work
South Korea and Japan has high mask rate and much lower COVID death and infection rate compared to anti masking USA

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>masks prevent infections
they don't

When mask mandates were first introduced there was no credible evidence that asymptomatic transmission was possible. Any evidence found after that is politically charged and untrustworthy. I haven't bothered to follow up, because I already know that it was bullshit from day 1.

>Underpinning the policy of “lockdown” is the scientific concept of “asymptomatic spread.” According to the WHO, “Early data from China suggested that people without symptoms could infect others.”[82] This idea of asymptomatic spread was reflected in the WHO’s February report.[83] According to this concept, healthy individuals, or “silent spreaders” might be responsible for a significant number of SARS-CoV-2 transmissions.[84] The idea of setting out to stop asymptomatic spread was a significant departure from prevailing public health guidance and experience during prior respiratory-virus pandemics.[85]
>The concept of significant asymptomatic spread was believed to be a novel and unique feature of SARS-CoV-2 based on several studies performed in China.[86] Multiple studies from other countries could not find any transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from asymptomatic individuals.[87]
>A paper from McGill University concluded that “transmission in the asymptomatic period was documented in numerous studies,” but every one of those studies was conducted in China; where studies outside of China have tried to replicate these findings, they have failed.[88]

>An Italian study concluded that two asymptomatic individuals who tested positive had been infected by two other asymptomatic individuals, but this was based on 2,800 PCR tests; given the false-positive rate discussed above, the conclusion is dubious.[89] An influential study from Brunei Darussalam found significant asymptomatic spread,[90] but its findings are considerably weakened by a poor case definition; its two findings of asymptomatic spread were that of a young girl with no symptoms who allegedly spread SARS-CoV-2 to her teacher who had “a mild cough on one day,” and a father who remained asymptomatic but whose wife briefly had a runny nose and whose baby also had a mild cough one day.[91]
A German study co-authored by Christian Drosten claimed to have found “Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany,”[92] but the researchers didn’t actually speak to the woman before they published the paper, and officials later confirmed that she did, in fact, have symptoms while in Germany.[93]
Absent this concept of significant asymptomatic spread, there is no scientific case for locking down healthy persons. This concept of significant asymptomatic transmission of SARS-CoV-2, and the studies backing it, came from China.

trash bags cinched tight around the neck work best, faggot

India don't do masks and have lower infections and deaths than US. See I made a shit example, just like you. Nice cherry picking you dishonest faggot.


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Tell that to Japan where everyone wears one

Attached: Screenshot 2021-12-08 at 10-02-11 Less Than One Covid Death a Day in Japan As New Cases Plummet.png (1015x938, 935.14K)

I don't need to tell it to Japan, they already know and so do you
stop being stupid faggot

actually the manufatureres of those masks ave them tested by scientists, they literally print 'does not prevent covid' on the side of the mask box

Because they're the first step on the road of building obedient public.
>You just do this one thing, it's not an inconvenience, just put it on.
Which soon builds a mass that polices itself and forces everyone to conform.
Welcome to the new normal of obedience.
Another reason is that they don't do shit.
Everyone should reject them.

>equivalent to a cold or flu
>why won't you panic and become active hypochondriacs like the rest of us?!

Prove it

Go read the box you fucking retard

All fields.

Just like seatbelts doesn't prevent you from dying of a car crash? But it does lessen the chances considerably, just like masks

Why do you retards always think in extremities?

New York does masks mandates, and they’re doing fucking horribly, btw, including “breakthrough” cases.

Oh no no no no!

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moron, no one cares about an obedient public, dumb ass

jewish pedophile

actually they've shown the complete opposite but keep bullshitting for your idiotic freedum


I didn’t know seatbelts were so unreliable that the news have to change how effective they are within months of each report. Didn’t know you were suggested to wear 2 or 3 seatbelts at the same time, you dumb faggot.

april 2020 fauchi disagrees with you, oct 2020 Fauchi agrees with you.

Do you see the problem?

Might want to think about the subject more than a second you idiot.
How the hell do you get people to conform to insane things like forced vaccinations, corona passports and eventually digital ID's with your banking information tied to it?
By constantly ramping up mass obedience.
But hey you wear your mask like a champ and think it doesn't build any kind of a base for public control.

Get raped and die please

average size of sars-cov2 is .02 microns. masks people are wearing aren’t fine enough to stop anything that small. n95 won’t even do much. it’s all theater, dumbfuck

Keep wearing yours. It's how we identify the slaves and who to avoid.

Attached: Wear Your Mask.jpg (1302x722, 211.63K)

Trump told them masks don't work and they're obeying, what more do you need to know

They wouldn't even wear them at Jan 6, which would have made them much harder to identify

Sars-Cov-2 spreads in moisture particles that are much larger than .02 microns. Do you think hospital staff are wearing them for cosplay or something?

Eh, fuck it I got some time to kill:


"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. "


"In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I2 = 30%, p = 0.25)"


"The recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50% in a community with modest infection rates, some degree of social distancing, and uncommon general mask use. The data were compatible with lesser degrees of self-protection."