All hail the 5th Empire!

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fuck portugal

Boletim de voto

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Reminder to ignore the
>Don't vote
They probably voted Volt themselves

stfu t*rkroach

Para conseiderarem

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Now that Europe is an Empire and we have England surrounded, and soon restrictions will be over for inside Europe, should we all get shitfaced?

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Nem conheço metade desses

Devias ter visto o debate dos partidos pequenos, foi hilariante.

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Já votei. Votei na mãe do gajo que estava no cenas do voto.

Eternally based. Ventouro needs to stop being a cuck and start spouting this stuff.

Eu nem percebo como o careca do Tavares teve direita a tempo de antena uma vez que nem representação parlamentar tem.

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mine had livre last and chega in like fifth place

where do you vote? I think they are different since not all parties have representatives in all districts .

Mine had Chega first, but shit is pozzed. Be ungovernable.

São uma sucursal do PS, é óbvio que ia haver arranjinho para aparecerem.


Pq a nega é gaga e tu és insensível baka etc etc

Each district has their own order, it's all randomized.


Should be in alphabetical order, seems sensible

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Reminder that the only correct course of action is not voting, as proven in the last thread

Fuck off nigger. He was pozzed as fuck. It was a dumbfuck doing dumbfuck shit instead of consolidating power. A pawn of military powers. Meanwhile we have zero industry and agricultural capacity

I voted on the mother of the guy in the table, as I’ve said. He’s my nigger friend, so he will know who it was. This is my democracy.

I was never Salazarista, but this "democracy" has proved him right

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The basis of the "democratic power" is the representation of the majority if the population. Abstention of 60+ % (or more) will delegitimize their power because even if a party wins with 100% of the votes in a 60% abstention is a clear minority if the population thus it cannot speak as the will of the majority of the population. This of course disregardkng the fact that universal surfrage is intentionally criminally flawed by design.
Only a low IQ shill would support voting.
>vooting will accelerate
Absolute brainlet take. Its actually not voting that will bring the collapse of the system by delegitimization. As I said its the only correct course of action. Simple, quick and very effect

So, if the cuckservatives win this, is there any chance they'd ally with CHEGA if they reach 10%? Because I assume there won't be any majority

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I hope so. Im tired of this Caviar left who doesnt care about the working people.

I’m an alcoholic and I have think I have the wolkgeist of the Portuguese people simply due to this fact - wine mainly, aguardente when I feel fancy- and Salazar never pulled through Mussolini’s levels.

He could have swept all dissent in Portugal, yet he chose to be a faggot whose grave is pissed on everyday.

Voting in blank/null is worse than voting in a party

>t. voted Volt

Dude it was personal. I want to fight the faggot.

Salazar (jewish name, jewish appearance, jewish close group of friends) was peak judeochristian civnat cuckery. Its time to stop worshiping the man that gave citizenship to niggers.

This is gay af. Ok

PS wins/ needs BE or PC
PSD wins/ absolutely needs Chega or PS

These are the scenarios.

Calma Mário Machado.

See Voting is actually more harmful and leads to nothing. Also, diasponiggers will never be portuguese.

Again the same shit? Clearly you are not portuguese since you do not understand a fucking thing about the position of our colonies before 1974

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Marito also worships that jewish man (Salazar) as you can see by his youtube channel.

Talk about using absurdism to expose Portuguese politics. Ofc you cringe your way through your life in Portugal.

Marito is a piece of shit not only theoretically but also optically

I understand it clearly. And I couldnt give a fuck about the "Empire", including portugal, that was several decades behind the civilized world. Lusotropocalists are nigger lovers as yourself.


Nice bait gordinho

Botei no chega, a ver se o indiano vai cozinhar para a terra dele.

What are decades in a centuries’ game?

Cope, there's never a good excuse to infiltrate niggers into your society. Never.
Proven by the fact that it didn't help one bit.

Sure bro.

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They are enough time to lose and get thrown in deep shit.

We had 10 percent of foreign population in the 15th century slavnigger.

You are out of your element, as most of the faggots posting here.

There were less niggers in Portugal (Europe) during Salazar than there are now.


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Good point. Portugal is still lagging behind and always was since the day it was born. Always lagging throughout the centuries, not even decades. Well said.