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You weren't going to anyway

thats what I just said

but the enemy is about to attack your ally.

No more brother wars, my mobility scooter is almost out of battery and I need to kill this boss in world of warcraft

white supremacists are the stupidest people on this planet. you look around you at the worst people in society and it's fucking white liberals. you telling me there's no black man you'd rather hang out with than some cum guzzling californian who collects funko pops?

i want to preserve my race and culture! yeah, great culture, great race. what's your culture again? drinking starbucks and watching shitty star wars movies? your culture is dead. your race never mattered. your ancestors were gay barbarians

cope and ignorant pilled

wartime: your "stewardship" in death
peacetime: my gibs
pick one

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I drank Starbucks today.
It's just coffee what's the problem?

fpbp but also the entire history of whites is brother wars

>kike absolutely seething and coping hard in this thread
The white races are based without kikel influence

You know that brother wars are the reason we conquered the world? Shut the fuck up faggot and embrace struggle

Id like to see 25 leftshits attempt a normal mode boss and kill it under 10 wipes

Imagine thinking that you ever had a choice. Divide and conquer is the modus operandi of the true enemy for thousands of years. Today will be no different.

He associates coffee with people who work white collar jobs who he resents.

I don't watch movies or TV, I don't live in California. My ancestors are smiling at me can you say the same.

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Slavs aren't white, and even if we were, the half-bugman mongolian crossbreeds coming from Russia that need some of your sweet ordinance barely even qualify as human.

All fucking zoomers must fucking hang

I don't have any brothers. Everyone can burn for all I care.

What do you even believe in, a flag that long lost it's meaning, a nation that no longer exist, civic ideals that exist to keep you enslaved to people who hate you?

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haha drones after destroying russian tanks go brrr

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Russians aren't even slav. It's as cringy as Americans saying they want to join the German army because they are 1/5th German