The parallels between coronavirus and the holocaust

Let me state for the record at the outset that I question just about everything I’ve ever been told, and that I’m only adding this proemial to attempt to obviate the obvious labels that are going to be put on me for posting this. I guess I just finally had the realization that the same people that will call someone a holocaust denier, or a global warming denier for QUESTIONING the facts of those events are the very same people who refuse to acknowledge that there is a global genocide and global fraud going on right now at this moment with Covid-19 and the vaccination mandates, and the irony is just beyond staggering.

The ancient philosophers who said that the relations are constant, but the terms vary were insanely intelligent because if you take the same exact scenario that supposedly took place during WWII and transpose all the terms with the substantives and attributives related to Coronavirus, it is almost exactly the same situation.

I remember being very hesitant in grade school to immediately speak up and say “if I had lived during Nazi Germany, I would have done _____” like everyone else around me was doing. I did that because intuitively I knew that perhaps the situation must not have been so clear to have devolved to that level of ignorance and apathy in terms of sheer numbers of human beings either participating in it or willfully ignoring it, but I’ll be honest, I think that most of the people that hypothetically said, with the benefit of hindsight at their disposal, that they would stand up and stop Nazism and crimes against humanity are precisely the myopic people who are continuing to engender it today in the form of Coronavirus and are also the very same people who believe that we are the pinnacle, the apex, the height of progress and development in the entire history of the world, when the sad fact and reality is that we are the nadir.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Holocaust never happened. Coronavirus is real. KYS.

Boy the cognitive dissonance you are in.

Knew it wouldn’t be too long before precisely the people I was referencing in the post showed up to spew ignorance.

Let me ask you something. Were you alive during WWII? So easy to dismiss something you may not have lived through, but completely accept something something you are experiencing empirically. For the record, I don’t take a position in the holocaust. I’m open to all discussion on the matter.

Ah. The sounds of silence. Exactly what I would expect from someone who doesn’t understand logical repugnance.

This is the state of pol right here. This thing is going to be archived in two minutes and only one person brave enough to display his or her ignorance said anything. I don’t ever want to hear pol knock redditors again. The same level of ignorance exists here as it does there. Just on the opposite end of the spectrum.

If I had lived in Nazi Germany I would have made sure to personally smash every single Jew's cranium against a BBC

Hey I’m not ignorant enough to think that this notion of anti-semitism is a completely muddled subject. There was an article a few years back in a Jewish quarterly magazine where a jew writing in it called the rest of his fellow jews out for being so cowardly as to not admit the truth of the fact that they own most of the major industries (porn, Hollywood, banking, etc.).

*Isn’t* a completely muddled subject

OP, your pic is powerful. Brave men like pic related are forgotten about.

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Lol. Or so we’re told.

the holocaust and coronavirus have one thing in common. can you guess which?

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Jews being jewy leads more people to hating jews which leads jews to crying as they strike the goyim which leads npcs to saying "awwww those poor jews" while they are being struck by the jew

Funny, but once again. I’m open to the suggestion that the picture I posted is completely fabricated, but the archetype and concept into which a particular has the potential to materialize is not. In this case it is the person who would rather have the whole world against him instead of his or her own soul.

Once again. Fair enough. No denials there.

What "crimes against humanity"? NOT killing the jews when they had the chance is the only one I can think of the NatSocs can be blamed for. Killing faggots? Based. Killing commies? Uberbased. Slaughtering zogbots and bolshevik untermensch by the tens of millions? Gigabased.

No arguments here. I am not foolish enough to acknowledge that there isn’t a global monopoly on certain things (particularly the sources where most people get their information) and that they don’t share common characteristics and pedigrees. I’m just not willing to say it is every single one of them until I’ve confirmed it is every single one of them.

Here OP. These are the links you want. They come directly from the Holocaust Museum website. They make your point.

Have a good day BurgerBro.

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I guess it all depends on whether or not you think attacks leveled against one group of people is a blight on the whole of humanity. Clearly your reply states that one group can be exterminated whilst not affecting the rest of humanity.

Thank you. I’m glad you’ve recognized that vaccinated are the new Jews. I appreciate the links. Now the insanity of this context if the other poster’s positions about the major players in this debacle being Jewish is even more striking.


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I appreciate the response and the information. I do not believe it is a crime to question something. One can’t make the statement “question everything” and then make qualifications and exceptions. Unfortunately there are not many people who accept that maxim. It is a crime those people are being treated like criminals. We must question that which we hold most near and dear to ourselves. Best wishes Bulgar brother/sister.

invented by jews

*unvaccinated* just noticed that mistake