I wanted transition to solve my problems

The headline is straight out of clown world, but the article actually gives me some hope.
>My closest friend in the whole world, a classically masculine straight computer nerd obsessed with sci-fi and video games, told me he was a lesbian. After that, he moved back into his childhood bedroom, stopped pursuing further education or employment, and began a series of invasive medical interventions all while engaging in some rather disturbing roleplay in which he was a 12-year-old anime girl.

Attached: Women.png (1385x785, 1.59M)

>The emphasis here was on medical interventions, i.e., puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries. It struck me that these individuals didn’t seem concerned with actual psychological treatment.
>I did exactly what the trans community was telling me to do: I educated myself, using their preferred sources and their firsthand reports of their experiences.
>The result, however, was not what they intended. The more sources I read, the more questions I had, with none of my previous questions being answered in the process. No one seemed to be able to define terms such as trans, gender dysphoria, non-binary, or gendered soul without using what struck me as obvious gender stereotypes. No one could define the word woman, either. In fact, I started being reprimanded for even daring to use the word woman or making any references to female biology in a political context at school.

>My closest friend in the whole world, a classically masculine straight computer nerd obsessed with sci-fi and video games, told me he was a lesbian.
This is what having close female friends does to you.

I've interacted with a couple trans-supportive people in my time, and none of them were biological female.
There are so many negative associations you guys have with women, and I can't relate to any of them unless I think back to high school/college.
Are you guys all really that young?

No, we're just not trannies in denial like you.

Holy fucking based.

Women are the ones supporting this. Just look at the gender disparity when it comes to political parties most conservatives are men.

Her story sounds similar to a friend of mine who suffered severe gender dysphoria as a teenager and remained very thin to minimise her female features. However she was raped by a family friend and impregnated as a young teenager by her rapist which played heavily into the rejection of her body. I feel a lot of sympathy for women who think they are boys. But in the case of 'male to female' it's almost always a disturbed sexual fetish like the shut-in who thinks he wants to be an anime girl and that he will find meaning and fulfillment in life through being treated like a sex toy. When such treatment is what destroys the lives of many girls and makes them want to avoid appearing female (aka a target for abuse) like my friend.

>I feel a lot of sympathy for women

Yeah cucking for my own sex, and the complete sentence is 'who think they are boys'. Because it is often from a place of suffering as a female which makes them want to escape it. Whereas from what I see of the males they just want to play dress up and put on lipstick and pretend to have periods because they somehow also sexualised this as well and stick tampons soaked in tomato juice up their anus.

What is with you women and using the word males ?

Being a woman is life on easy mode and sadly a lot of men think that by becoming more like women their life will become easier.

Don't listen to this whitenigger user

I am also a male feminist.

I'm saying male because it is the specific term for your biological sex, whereas in the modern day people think you can change your gender (aka man) as a social category or identity. Trans-women are male who attempt to look like and be recognised as women.

It’s like those “pro-self harm” or “pro-anorexia” forums, except you’re not allowed to criticise troons

they are almost always aspergers or autistic too

It's only easy mode for the girls who come from stable and loving homes where daddy is invested in your future and protects you from the predators and wolves that roam this world. Girls who come from dysfunctional homes are prime victim material. I knew so many through school who were sexually abused or had abusive mothers/fathers and suffered immensely through life. You've got no idea what you're talking about.

Yes because that makes life even harder. Especially for men. Females are usually more accepted for being.

>knew so many through school who were sexually abused or had abusive mothers/fathers and suffered immensely through life.
It's like a sexual shoah.

Trannies of both genders are mentally ill. It's not sane to want to cut off ones dick or tits, and start pretending to be the opposite gender. The people who take that route were off from the beginning.

So for most females life is on easy mode ? Glad you agree.

Yes, because as many of you make more than plainly clear on here, women and girls are not viewed as fully human, but by their sex first. And so many men will abuse or take advantage of young girls as they do not see them as people nor empathise with them. Their sexual desire trumps everything else.

In school when someone called you a girl you said
>Yes and I'm a lesbian
What went wrong?

Life is easy mode for most anyone who comes from a family that props them up in the world. There are plenty of men living an easy life because they inherited all their connections and status through their parents.

How do you feel about men being able to enter female sports under the guise of being trans and beat the shit out of female for example in mma. Does that bother you ?

>groomed by cult of discord trannies
>becomes discord tranny groomer cultist
Every fucking time.

Attached: gsa queer theory cult indoctrination.png (1000x695, 131.89K)

Thank you for admitting this shit is just weaponized victimhood with no basis in reality.

Homosexuality is human entropy. Fags are in total denial about this.

>And so many men will abuse or take advantage of young girls as they do not see them as people nor empathise with them.
How often does this actually happen? Has the rate of rape/sexual assault increased among white men during the last few decades? Going by my quick Googling the rate of rape has either stayed the same or decreased in Western countries.

Nowadays it is the new counterculture

Yeah it does but I was well against transgenderism years before that became the public discourse. Beyond sports, male trannies were trying to invade all kinds of female spaces, especially in places like university campuses. Having obvious men wearing a skirt and smirking at you in the bathroom mirror is unsettling. And they hate women for their reproductive capability and want to change terms out on us like 'mother' or try and steal dead women's wombs for transplants which bothers me more.

The average female has it better. Men are being crushed under all of the responsibilities that comes with being a man. 80 % of all suicides are done by men for a reason.

You can blame the feminists for that whom are mostly females.

Idk I'm mid-twenties and because I made a lot of close friendships in school, girls would confide in me about their experiences. I actually went to court to testify for a friend of mine who was being raped by her own father as a witness when I was 12. My mother and mother-in-law and many other women I know told me about their stories of rape and sexual assault. To me it seems disturbingly common. And the internet has made it worse. When I was a young girl I could not go anywhere on the internet and state my age or sex without attracting pedophilic attention and I wised up on that pretty quick. Better to pretend to be male.