It’s all your fault

According to the palm beach county health official, Dr Alina Alonso, you caused this.

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too bad it doesn't even exist

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You have to be legitimately retarded to constantly read news articles about zoo animals testing positive and half of the deer in your area showing antibodies, and then continue to believe that a vaccine will get rid of the disease... Especially a vaccine that doesn't even inhibit transmission.

OMG this is so convincing for me to now subject myself to clinical trial with MRNA tech when it failed every time in animal trials

Yeah, we have to co-exist with other viruses also. What a shame.

Where is the population sample where 100% of people get the shot and nobody gets sick?

lmao did they think a 100% vaxx rate was anything even close to realistic?

Ausralia of course.
95% of above 15s vaxxed. They're now at their highest point of COVID deaths they've ever had.

Attached: >this means it's working.png (1058x562, 57.44K)

Yes, the "fringe minority" against "overwhelming approval of the vaccine" are why they need to force behavioral changes in society.
I'm starting to think all the jews who knew the holocaust was fake are dead, and the ones alive now believe it and want revenge. Only thing that makes sense.

Did she forget that the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission or infection?

What are the mental gymnastics for blaming the 5%?

did AOC die yet

I am so sick of hearing this bullshit.
I hope all vaxtards die. They really deserve it.

We have been forced to coexist with the virus previously know as the flu like we have for thousands of years.

It's literally the other way around, the vaxx lowers the mild symptoms which means you're more likely to be asymptomatic and run around spreading it everywhere, while unvaxxed get warning signs to stay home and recover, like nature intended
Because of the vaccinated, the virus will never hit a dead end, and will continue to constantly spread
total hubris

I think you're partially right. I think many, like everyone else, believe it was real. I do believe that a fair handful know the truth, though.


I agree.

> you caused this.
I'm sorry

Like all coronaviruses Covid infects mammals. It can’t be eradicated from an animal reservoir.

Live and work in PBC. Fucking liberal communists have been installed in our local government and school system. Send help!!!!

Captcha: JNYSP

Locals get the first 3 letters?!?!?!?!

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Were the zoos vaccinated?

Day of the stethoscope when?

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The majority of Australians are idiots, and just go with whatever is being said by "authority".
From my experience, most people stop learning once they finish school, in fact quite a few stop learning even before then.
Yet they take their own opinions as gospel, despite being literal midwits. It means they become susceptible to what "Authority" or the appearance of Authority, feeds to them.
Throw in the fact the majority of our boomers made bank on midwit work, and now they're wealthier than the majority of educated peoples, because our system promoted it that way, (and the fact, money = intelligence) we have a population that is so fucking dumbed down, they don't even know how much they've been dumbed down.
It very quickly spirals into, they'll do and say anything to keep on "societies" good side. (In reality, the despots good side, because they dont want to lose their comforts)

Killl this bitch. Palm Beach and Dade are the only shitlib strongholds that still had masks in Florida


I hope against reason that my unvaccinated status really does end up killing some of them

They are just guilty, okay. Trust the experts.

serious question: why not kill this lying bitch?
her place is on a tree with a rope on her neck
isn't it like OBVIOUS?

Nazi chud scum ruining society for everyone once again, nothing new.

You incel trash did it with blumpf and you're doing it with spreading antivax propaganda today.

It makes me sick that the votes of people like you, who don't care a single writ about the lives and health of your fellow citizens, are counted the same as the votes of good citizens who got the vaccine and did what they could to stop the spread of the virus. Absolutely sickening.

I cant wait to mount your jewish skull on a pike