Myth: Professional athletes are getting heart attacks because of vaccines

Myth: Professional athletes are getting heart attacks because of vaccines

Fact: Athletes put a tremendous amount of stress on their bodies and heart issues happen as a result.

Reasons behind the myth? Because it sounds believable to virgins who've never watched sports or played one in their lives.

Pic related

Attached: athlete deaths.png (756x792, 456.93K)

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Oh look "fact" checker
another failed product by the liberal left that cant generate organic demand and needs to use coercion for sales. lo
the left cant invest

Nice attempt at a disinfo campaign. Unfortunately for you not everyone is an easily manipulated highschooler or virgin

Nice Deboonking. 1 year free subscription to Reddit for you

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>Sometimes athletes ad heart attacks in the past so that's why they've been dropping like flies since 2020, goyim. Stop noticing or you're a white supremacist Nazi trucker.

Show me one lefty liberal yuppie elite product or service that can generate an organic demand. Pro tip, you cant.

That is the ugly truth of the investment failures of the so called elite for now 33 years

probably because soccer is gaaay!

now that it is 30 times more common, there is 30 times less attention on it

>Incapable of looking at statistics and is easily influenced by Any Forumscels spamming single incidents

Pro-Athlete here
It is happening for the same reason as training heavily while you have the flu or another desease that affects your heart. You never train heavily when you have these types of diseases or their vaccines for at least 10 days afterwards, as it may rupture your heart or other forms of heart damage.

>Look at my faked screwed statistics

Sell you jewish poison somewhere else.

>everything I dislike is fake

You don't have to be so mad. You can maybe attend a course or two on uni, learn some more and maybe you won't be a brainlet anymore.

The Jews are not to blame you can't get a gf, user.

iirc only "futbol" players have been making headlines for dying mid game. A NFL or NBA player has yet to die on the field/court since 2020

You cant into advertising, you cant into sales, you cant into investment.
What does the left can
Oh yeah, march through rotten institutions and kill them.

sure and thats why it always happend just so much over all the years and decades....

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you’re too new to post here. go back for some more training and return when you can blend in a bit easier. it’s not your fault you’re just too fresh

>Myth: Professional athletes are getting heart attacks because of vaccines
Fact: Professional athletes are getting heart attacks because of vaccines

>Athletes put a tremendous amount of stress on their bodies and heart issues happen as a result.
Sure. But after the vaccine campaign it's happening more than before. If you think you're changing anyone's mind here you're fooling yourself.

Haha. Still doing this. You are pathetic.

user, unfortunately, you've fallen for an extreme ideology that was sold to you by grifters using the exact same talking points extremists have been using for years. Sure there are issues, but things are mostly better than ever in all measurable metrics. There still might be hope if you open your heart and your mind, but you are damaging your life thinking like this.

Ye mostly football players because NFL players usually die by getting tackled by a 400 pound fatass way before they get the chance to get a heart attack.

But user... the daily expose is an extremist disinfo newspaper meant to pander to misled and misinformed people. A flat out lie proves nothing.

Why do people who complain about the mainstream media fall for even less credible media sources run by people looking to obviously profit off of their fears?

>Y-you are the problem if you don't buy my products
as said, you cant into sales

Why do people that complain about even less credible media, think that their media is more credible?

B-but user don't you see the information is wrong not because of the statistics but because bad people say it? Yes numbers are numbers and I can't refute that so I attack the credibility of the site while my mainstream media does pic related.

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But the articles he posted were obviously very shoddily crafted lies based on incomplete lists from a wikipedia article. So it is painting a very unrealistic picture based on uncomplete data. The quote "22" deaths in the year 2021, while in the other ones the numbers have been 5, 6, 7 etc.

The actual numbers that we can work with is the FIFA sudden death report that counted 617 deaths in a 4 year period from 2014-2018.

although chinks eating boiled sewage was not considerable in the origin collapse videos