Was Christianity the Bolsheviks of the Roman Empire?

There seems to be some eerie parallels to the Christian movement during the Roman Empire that seem pretty similar to what you typically find from left wing extremist groups: Religious Zealotry (apparently uncommon before Abrahamic cults) destroying statues, targeting the most desperate and depraved of society for recruiting, throwing logic and reason out the window for emotional thinking etc.

And while were on this topic did the Jews cause the same moral degeneracy in the Roman Culture? Jews and society seems to have the classic frog and scorpion scenario through out all of written history in Europe so are (((they))) to blame for what happened to the Romans?

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>throwing logic and reason out the window for emotional thinking etc.
The First Epistle Of Paul To The Corinthians 1:19

Just read Nietzsche and you’ll know

Your daily reminder christkikes are so jewish in mind and soul they actually made paintings celebrating jews destroying Rome.

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it wasnt jews “destroying” rome it was white christians lol wtf

What happened here? Also how were "conservative" romans unable to resist Jewish influence?

>throwing logic and reason out the window for emotional thinking etc.
That's every religion. There is zero logic. Even if you take something like plantingas modal ontological argument which uses a logic framework it's still based on a presupposition that it's impossible for there to not be a god. I read somewhere that jews wrote the bible solely to try and lure people away from the Romans, sounded like an interesting idea

Well, Jews created Christianity and it certainty played a role in subverting Rome. Rome had plenty of problems already though.

They hate jews because they killed Jesus. Even though it was a Roman that sentenced him to death. And also even though Jesus was apparently supposed to die for our sins so really the jews did Jesus a favor by taking him to the Romans to be killed, as Jesus wanted

My understanding is there's religions for the profane masses and religions for those in the know.
Religion means "to bind" so I'm curious how the Roman pagan religion was unable to resist a foreign Jewish cult?

cope larpagan subhuman

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The first Christians were Jews as were the preachers in the empire. The entire religion is Jewish.

I don't know. I'm on the fence whether it was intentional subversion by Paul or whether this just happened by itself organically. It seems to me Jesus became kind of a folk hero figure and circles of Rome. Soldiers started converting and Paul (Saul) kind of took advantage of of the situation. He was very interested in developing the power structure institution around Jesus. He taught things in opposition to Jesus which is caused a lot of denominational conflicts today. All the Christians have to try and mesh what Paul said with what Jesus said and it ends up looking pretty silly. But beyond Paul's ambition for a power institution he could head, he also taught that those who preached the word deserved money. He started saying what he commanded instead of what God commanded.

The whole story of Paul doesn't even make sense because it does not pass the threshold for witness testimony as given in Deuteronomy. In order for witness testimony to be believed it must be at least two witnesses. But only Paul was the witness for what he was told. It makes no sense that Jesus would come back after death to visit one person and only tell them this new information which contradicted his ministry in life.

So it seems that the root of this issue comes down to Paul. Was it intentional subversion of Rome by Paul or did it just happen this way by accident? I don't really know.

The Romans were pretty indifferent to Jesus. They executed him because Jews were kvetching incessantly.

I'm not pagan you profane fuck

yea the first ones, but when christianity became popular in rome it was white romans practicing it.

Kek approves of your post.
Christians do not like being exposed for what they are.

kinda like trannyism now

I have similiar feeling as well paul is a rather interesting character to say the least I've head of a conspiracy theory that he was a double agent of the Jewish elite and this was all one giant cultural psyop similar to what the CIA did the 60's

i know this is a dishonest jewpost, but bolsheviks were the LACK of morals, and christianity was an INTRODUCTION of it as the romans were irreparably descending into chaos and degeneracy (rome was gone after majorian). romans before christianity were extremely degenerate even by today's standards. as great as rome was, it ran its full course and all christianity did was segway it into the next era. rome was crumbling and stagnating during late antiquity, the byzantines were just coasting by on their greatness and no longer innovating anything after a certain point. christianity was the way out and ushered humanity into its next trials, tribulations, and greatness. now that we see the decline of christianity, well, look out the window fellow subverter.


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>Was Christianity the Bolsheviks of the Roman Empire?
I assume you know very little about bolshevism and Christianity.
>Religious Zealotry (apparently uncommon before Abrahamic cults)
What? No, definitely not
>destroying statues
Romans did this shit literally all the time.
>targeting the most desperate and depraved of society for recruiting
Christianity targeted everyone, But it would kind of be difficult to target a "depraved" demographic by demanding that they repent of their sins and live a life of virtue.
>throwing logic and reason out the window for emotional thinking etc.
If you can point to some proof of this that'd be nice.

>the first ones preaching communism/Christianity were jews
>but then communism/Christianity became popular with the underclass and intelligentsia in Russian/Rome
>curiously, communism/Christianity was never organically popular amongst rural peoples but had to be imposed upon them by force once communism/Christianity became the state ideology

Personally I think an esoteric version of Christianity could be created to hopefully salvage what imo has become a borderline irrelevant exoteric superstition


I agree.
History has demonstrated that the vast majority of religious people are not attached to any particular religion, they just want to follow along with whatever the elites tell them is moral.
It wouldn't take much effort to fix Christianity if we had control over media institutions.

Personally, I say we go with Aryan Arianism.

Ah, Satan has shown up.

Bolshevickz lack Christ


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Literally everything from Porphyry and Celsus

Bolshevism is satanism.


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They celebrate the faggots who destroyed European culture

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I'm not sure.

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As Nietzsche put it socialism is just Christianity minus the God


Ukrainans still worship the rabbie yeshua bar yosef as a god today. They chose their fate by being jew worshippers.

I'm having trouble telling which posts are psyops now. Please stop making it harder.


>Romans did this shit literally all the time.
Give us a example of Romans destroying another cultures art and history
>But it would kind of be difficult to target a "depraved" demographic by demanding that they repent of their sins and live a life of virtue.
Kek history disagrees with you Tacitus, Cicero and others refer to christcucks as degenerate and depraved

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It wasn’t jews burning down American cities last year either. It was blacks whipped into a frenzy by Jews. Just like Roman times.

My biggest problem with Christianity is it is way too dogmatic and often literal reading extremist for example I don't think Jonah and the whale literally happened what makes way more sense from an occult perspective is its an allegory towards his awakening

Not sure.

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divide and conquer
Same old story rabbi, all fields

It was a jewish revolution to upsurp power in rome. Babies, men and women were killed by christkike barbarians nost of whom were slaves and prisoners of wars that were brainwashed into the jewish cult by ((jewsus)) and his ((disciples))
There are like 2 saints christkikes worship to this day because they killed and tortured pagan babies
christkikery was invented by kikes when romans invaded judea and kikes were unsuccessful in getting the land back
Another fun fact: crucifixion in rome was typically reserved for traitors, spies and agents who subverted nations from within.. rabbi jewsus the kike was sent by jews to sabotage rome from within and start a civil war in rome. He was crucified for that

Lol ironically Romans were surprisingly tolerate of other people's religions unless they were throwing a shit fit

>History has demonstrated that the vast majority of religious people are not attached to any particular religion, they just want to follow along with whatever the elites tell them is moral.

Someone else has reached the same conclusion and have gotten them to inject themselves with a very potent pro-cancerinogen by telling them that it is the moral thing to do. And this someone also got all the simple street people by telling them that they need to inject this to go to concerts or eat out. Its not as much an IQ test but a personality test.

Religious people can be coarsely divided in two populations, herd people and schizophreniacs, you can see this in christian threads where they discuss which sect they prefer. Herd people will chose sect after how much group activities they have, while the schizos will chose the sect that makes them feel most morally superior. The schizos then start to infight, while the herd people try to outdo each other in how much group activities they do.

Daily reminder anyone who uses "christcuck" or "christkike" is a jew supporter and or jew using divide and conquer tactics. All fields, get a real job, rent free.

Is op the gayest nigger semen drinking jew to ever post on pol? Yes, yes he is.

>All fields
ask me how I know you don't belong christcuck

> you must be a jew if you don't worship this one particular favourite jew of mine

>It wouldn't take much effort to fix Christianity if we had control over media institutions.

All your work will be undone by 1 cross wearing jew with 1 bible.

why are christians obsessed with cum drinking?

Muddy the water with Ad hominem? How Jewish of you...

Nope, decadence was Rome's downfall

>Daily reminder anyone who uses "christcuck" or "christkike" is a jew supporter and or jew using divide and conquer tactics. All fields, get a real job, rent free.

Shut your mouf you greasy jew worshipper. There is no salvation from the jews, there is no covenant from the jews, there is nothing but misery. Your entire religion is a cult of jewish racial supremacy.

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But what caused the decadence?

And it was just a coincidence that an empire that lasted 500+ years fell as soon as it adopted Christianity?


>Someone else has reached the same conclusion
Liberalism is the state religion of the Jewish World Order, but particularly America.
You must BELIEVE in science.
If you criticize the priests of liberalism, you are called a science denier.
Racist = heretic.
If you follow the edicts of liberal orthodoxy, the high priests of liberalism promise that we will have a utopia.
Racism is literally called the "original sin."

On this, I disagree.
Let's envision a world where we (meaning nationalists with a vision of the future) control media and employ what you've outlined previously to guide the herd mentality religious people in a healthy direction.
Christianity can be re-written ("interpreted") to be pro-White and racial. We can edit out all the jewish shit by "interpreting" it to be meaningless. Just like Protestants dropped parts of the Bible they didn't like, we can gradually drop the old testament and re-interpret the new testament to mean whatever the media says it means.
The vast majority of people will just go along with it and ostracize Christians who refuse to adapt to the new religion.

This has happened hundreds of times before and that was before omnipresent social media shaping people's minds.

It seems rather strange that the Religious system of King Numa laid the ground work for one of the most powerful empires in history yet a jewish cult couldn't keep it alive any longer than it needed to establish the catholic church...

Christianity is just a perversion of the ancient religion of Babylon. Just like all the other religions. When you realize this, maybe you will stop being such cucks. You think it's a coincidence he was crucified with 2 thieves, one begging to be saved on one side and the other one saying he deserves it? The Good, the Bad, Day/Night, Light/Dark etc. etc.

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hitler said the same thing in table talks, but christtards will say the book was fake. hitler said christianity and bolshevism leads to the same outcome

>And while were on this topic did the Jews cause the same moral degeneracy
You are referring to this as an axiom.
Tell me what you mean as "moral degeneracy".

sorry for deleting my post, sometimes if i word things wrong i get embarrassed and delete it. for anons reading all i said was that i agreed, and that the words were spoken and listened, but the spirit was gone. it was "spirit" that carried caesar across the rhine, that spurred the renaissance, that pushed lewis and clark through the dense forests and terrains of the frontier.

agree again. all the focus on words and none of the spirit, the same spirit that michaelangelo and donatello experienced. from a historical perspective we either need to massively reinterpret christianity to regain the conquering yet benevolent good spirit, to have a TRUE christian nation, or replace it entirely. but as we've replaced god, i see nothing restore the light. we all live in the shadows of history.

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Yes. Christians are golem servants of the Jews mind controlled by the great Jewish spell called the bible

I said it before that Christianity is an exoteric religion designed for masses most of the esoteric teaching you would find from the mystery traditions have been completely rooted out of Christianity and replaced with an almost demonic like dogmatic mind control system


Exoteric Christianity seems to almost create it's own version of npc's that I find rather distubing and it bothers even more that Christianity ironically breeds atheism which I think is even worse

No more bar bar go back to your mud huts!!

This. They were fucking Kids, doing Drugs, having Disease-Riddled Sex. The whole place was a shit show, and they all though they were fucking Gods. Then GOD came down sent them a few Jesus's to see if they would Listen, and they did not, so they were Punished. Since then the Romani and Jews were forever burdened of never having their own Land. Until recently when the Satanic Matriarchal Jews created Israel.

For Christ's Sake, look at all the Degenerate Philosophers and such they had, Fucking Kids, Eating Shit, Living in a fucking Trashcan and drank his own Piss.

What a legend though in reference to the Trashcan Pisser.

Indeed. It's just a tool for idiots designed by the real masters of the occult. That's why it never made any sense to me growing up. But anyway, the Roman Empire was never destroyed, they still participate on ruling the world to this day...Bright minds would understand that Vatican is in actuality the continuation of the Roman empire, holding all the esoteric secrets. What are Knights Templar? What is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta? And there were many others...

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Personally I think the Vatican is affront to everything Roman like the hollow shells of the kabbalah

But yeah the cancer of Rome aka the Vatican hoards a bunch of the sacred knowledge for themselves

what are these songs you keep posting? Kinda catchy.

Nigger, WTF you re blabbing about?? what next greatness after Rome fell? 800 year of darkness? jesus, you Christ cucks are such simpletons. Exactly as intended by your masters LMO

It's difficult to win with the mind virus spreading. How is it that mighty America is unable to resist the cultural marxism?

watch this if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven.

sermon for people doubting their salvation

documentary explaining why Christ rejecters that call themselves jews are not God's chosen people. Christianity has nothing to do with talmudic judaism which is evil and satanic

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Who cares what Hitler said?

It's not dishonest you utter dumbfuck. I know you equate everything questioning your dogma with being dishonest, like some fucking jew equating everything semito-sceptic with being anti-semitic, but that's only you, and your rotten mind high on chr*stianity.

Then why do Jews hate Christianity so much?

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Yes Christianity targets the mixed race brown people - or the marginalised whites like Irish. Most rad caths on pol are these types.

A great movie to watch is Agora where you see the intolerance and resentful slave mindset of the early church in action against the ancient polytheistic world which they had to wipe away before they could level society down to their level. Basically the model for what the liberals are trying to do to us again. Pic related of the most extreme christcucky going around on pol, the 1936 invented british israilie bs:

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never fails to make me laugh at these people who spout off bible verses at you or try to convince you europeans came from the middle east.

Lol about half of Any Forums

Agora is giant reason I started this post, if that's how Christians really were then they might as well had been antifa

Because it's antisemitic but that doesn't mean it's good for White people.

It's funny we've all seen CCs get all proud about hitlers public statements re C eg in support of it, whereas confronted with him analogising it with communism, they shy away.
Yes Agora is a great big redpill on CC thinking and its interesting that the only 'leftist' style intolerance on pol comes from CCs in giant polytheist hate threads. We are slowly bringing light to their dogma though. This is from a former CC too. Leave the slave religion you grew up with behind, and search for a better world of ethics.


Imo the early Jewish Christ cults likely stole a bunch of their material from older mystery traditions, the whole idea of the savior God is ancient in and of itself, I'm still on the fence as to whether Christ the man actually existed or not though

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wow these pictures destroy the legitimacy of CCs. Basically the ISIS or Taliban of Europe

bump great thread

It was white pagans asshole, tf you think the goths and vandals were

Jews were utterly disenfranchised under christianized Rome.

>Was Christianity the Bolsheviks of the Roman Empire?
No, tard, the Catholics weren't revolutionaries. The jews were after they killed Christ.


>Was Christianity the Bolsheviks of the Roman Empire?
But with more negros and fewer red banners.

Tards, it was pagan Germans and Celts who destroyed Rome.

Nice try jew

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Germanic legions contracted by the late Roman government held the collapsing empire together.

>early Jewish Christ cults
didn't exist. the jews were opposed to Christ.

1 Thessalonians 2: [14] For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own coutrymen, even as they have from the Jews, [15] Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men;

[16] Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath of God is come upon them to the end.

That's a complete lie. Charlemagne's laws made them the exclusive money powers in Rome.
You're either completely ignorant or a lying faggot. Christianity was always from the very
beginning a weapon of the Jews you ignorant wretch.

Marxists hate religion because they want everyone to believe in the Cult of the State

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Those tribes were christian by that time.

Rome had already devolved into degeneracy and rampant buttfucking by that point

If anything the barbarians finally put Rome out of its misery

>Germanic legions contracted by the late Roman government held the collapsing empire together.
They were part of the collapse. They were foreigners from a barbaric race and they got uppity.

>Those tribes were christian by that time.
No, they weren't.

The financial profession was historically seen as lowly and bankers uninfluential in society. Jews would charge interest and such but would be taxed at extremely high rates by christian governments so they stayed poor and in ghettos. The idea that being in banking = power is a very modern notion.

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They infused superior genetics into the increasingly mongerlized and cosmopolitan Roman upper strata.
> They were part of the collapse.
Nigger they quite literally single handedly held the thing together.

>Was Christianity the Bolsheviks of the Roman Empire?

>Religion is the opium of the masses.

>no succession law, so that even fucking Philip from Araby can claim the imperial throne
>corrupt as fuck, taxes the poor peasants so much that they are glad that Rome is gone
>degenerate faggots
>blames it on the Christianity

CC tier meme

demonstrably wrong

Really? Wow, that's very impressive. The competition is rather high.

>implying the buttfucking ever stopped

Christians were just the religious population who inherited the empire since romans weren't having children, what destroyed the empire was diversity migration promoted by romans themselves.

of all the retarded pagan copes
this one is actually hilarious

Typical christcuck

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yes roman multiculturalism was a mistake, without it the jews could never have brought their poison into europe and christianity would have died in israel

>what were barbarian migrations and civil wars
Do agnostic retards really?...

Based. (((Christians))) getting what they deserve.

>what is eastern roman empire
american education

>tf you think the goths and vandals were
People who the Roman Christians couldn't defeat...

this is a no, most of the problems of the 3rd century crisis were internally fracturing for the seat of the emperor after the fall of the Severian Dynasty.

The second step the Bolsheviks did in Russia was attack the Greek Orthodox Church. Burned and hanged priests, melted Christian artifacts, defaced and destroyed Christian art, burned Bibles. Atheism is the realm of the anti-moral. Lenin quote: "Marxism has always regarded all modern religions and churches, and each and every religious organization, as instruments of bourgeois reaction that serve to defend exploitation and to befuddle the working class…"

precisely, precisely.

>seeking justice, the consuls have declared all jews enemies of the state
>the senate is offering a handsome reward for the capture of jews to all Romans

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Lmao Rome became filled with degenerates and faggots. Christianity was the only thing that saved it. They made faggots and kiddie fiddlers illegal and saved Europe. Rome was Weimar Germany until Christianity took over

that's what christkikes did to all other religions. marxism is just modern jew worship.

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Christcucks pretending to hate jews while slobbering over their book is something I'll never understand.

No they were the good guys

Go back to sodomizing somebody

Not an argument.

I've thought about it
During the time of jesus there were 320 million people in the entire world.
But if you only counted the middle east and europe there were probably even less.
How many people were in Israel?
Probably not even a million.
Back then grass roots was viable politics.


OP another kike jew shilling phony paganism against anti-jewish Christianity

Christians destroyed culture wherever they went until it was finally gotten under control by sensible whites. Then they invented communism to take its place. Rinse and repeat.

So it seems
no idea why they still kvetch about it, though

go back to america, zogbot.

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>Aryan arianism

>destroying statues, targeting the most desperate and depraved of society for recruiting
Destroying statues happend everywhere in the world long before Christianity. And recruitng the desperate and depraved has always been done. The thing that destroyed Roman society was that the people living in it weren't Roman anymore for a long time, they were just living in the system left to them. And with Roman I don't only mean ethnic Romans but also the cultural Romans. So yes Christianity might have been a part of what alienated Romans even further from their original culture and society but by the time there were significant amount of them it was already way too late. People don't convert for no reason either there is something wrong with them or something is wrong with society, like it being conquered or on the verge of collapse.

You think Rome just was detroyed by some Germs and Celts? Most of everything was just left standing and empty. Buildings degrade over long periods of time and then get reused by the few people living there for constructing newer buildings. At it's height Rome had more than a million people at it's low maybe 50.000. And the city was far less wealthier hat do you think was gonna happen? Those people just maintaining the whole city with only 1/20 of the populace and maybe 1/100 of the wealth?

Christianity, Catholicism to be more precise is the only Roman institution that survived and directly connects Europeans to Rome.

I love you Sweden.

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This needs to be read by everyone

The Roman Empire thrived for more than a thousand years after the spread of Christianity, this is the dumbest fucking argument.

I agree I have often thought this same thing. Christianity was a Jewish thing back then almost entirely. It seems like they used it as a trojan horse to infiltrate Roman society and destroy it.

Nah because they weren't commies. It was a religious movement. They belived in Jesus and not the Greek or Roman gods. Rome even made it the state religion mostly because these people didn't fear death and people who don't fear death are ballsy and cool.

Rome fell because they were outsourcing their defense to outsiders. So maybe they weren't ballsy and cool fast enough.

Christianity was a little cult up until they sided eith Constantine during the civil war. They chose the right side or they probably would have died off like the huge number of little cults throughout the empire. Religions were state sponsored at the time. Making Christianity the state religion meant that tge state would not have to give money to the other religions It wad a win for Constantine and the christians.
Theodosis made paganism illegal in 380ish. The theft and butchery of non Christian Europe went into overdrive. Quite like the Bolsheviks in 1900s Russia.


orthodoxy, actually. cucktholicism ruined christianity and cut europe in half.

>"conservative" romans
the caesarian party killed them in the civil war.

Pompey wasnt of noble birth and i think he probably had an inferiority complex over it. He let senators influence him in military matters and politics too much. he didnt prepare properly to defend Rome vs Caesar because it needed extreme measures which he probably thought would make him look foolish or tyrannical so he got caught off guard by Caesars blitzkrieg.

Then in Greece Pompey beat Caesar in a major battle but he didnt give chase to Caesars retreating army, probably because he doubted himself. Then he even outmanoeuvred Caesar and held the high ground, Caesar had basically lost at that point. But Pompey risked a battle to end it honorably because the seante wanted the victory to be as honorable as possible as opposed to starving out caesars army. Of course Caesar routed Pompeys cavalry which ran back into his own units breaking formation and in the chaos Caesar won.

The conservatives were mostly cucks. They killed Ceaser but didnt kill his lieutenants and they didnt even have a plan for after Caesars death. They just assumed that if they were honourable then things would work themselves out. Then Brutus got chased out of Rome and was very indecisive and wouldnt come back when the seante was begging him to come back to fight Caesar#2 or antony when they were weak and fighting each other which was a huge mistake because they ended up making a truce then turning on Brutus.

If Pompey and prepared properly they might have won, if he gave chase when he needed to he probably would have won. if he listened to his gut rather than senators the conservatives would have won for sure. If brutus had an actual plan and had been willing to kill caesars lieutenants the republic would have lasted longer. If he was active besides running around Greece being a diplomat and had come back to rome to crush anthony or caesar#2 (octavian) then the conservatives would have had a better chance.

Basically the conservatives were cucks and were too passive, except for the one time thye held the high ground and decided to be honorable retards and give it up for a pitched battle (that they lost).

No it isn't though there is much truth in it, there are equala mounts of half truths and just plain old lies in it.

Fucking retards like you babbling about shit you havent even read about. Roman empire failed several attempts to eradicate Christianity. It wasnt a minor cult by Constantine's time you complete mouth breathing retard. Never post again.

Christkikee were niggere in Roman Empire.

A protestant tours a catholic cathedral

A protestant talks with a catholic priest

Journey of the apostles

Church history: complete documentary AD 33 to Present

All popes of the catholic church: st peter to francis

Minute faith - roman catholicism

What is catholicism?

What inside a catholic church?

Traditionalist Catholics

Social catholicism




Carolingian Renaissance

Ottonian Renaissance

church fathers

encyclopaedia romana

papal encyclical

scripture catholic




Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X


Marcel Lefebvre



Begone Dutch

Hail Aurelian! Restitutor Orbis, Sol Invictus!

yes, but what happened is that the germanic aristocracy co-opted christianity, then islam happened and christianity retreated to europe and became even nationalistic. originally it was a universal brotherhood of man commie type thing.

No, if anything it led to the furthering of western civilization.

What led to the downfall of Rome was probably part and parcel of the mindset of why EVERY F*CKING TRADESMAN DIDN'T WANT TO WRITE DOWN THE SECRETS TO ROMAN CONCRETE.

The rise of Christianity coincided with the rise of the importance of family and the more careful raising of children, which made parables of great emperors and horrible fathers like Commodus and Marcus Aurelius.

So no.

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The earliest christians were brown people, lmfao

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When octavian finally won the civil war he took the conservatives of noble birth and tortured/executed them making their family watch. he also targetted people who were rich so he could pay off all the debts he accrued while campaigning/governing.

In that way i guess the caesarian revolution was very similar to many communist revolutions.

Ye man Catholics were so cucked after the schism it's totally not a thing of the last few decades.

If Christianity led to the furthering of western civilization, are you saying sand niggers are to be thanked for western civilization?

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You don’t tear down statues of your ancestors and their gods if you’re a based traditionalists trying to save your people

Don’t use my people’s struggle to shill your cult

kek muh homosexuality!
got any proof it was filled with degenerates? and no jewish/christian sources won't be counted
also christianity is famous for homosexuality and pedophilia

You mean the same ones that nailed him to a roman cross?

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You think Rome was just torn down in one night or something? Rome compared to before was barely populated, with abandoned buildings everywhere it took hunderds of years to cannabalize all these buildings and use them in medieval buildings and even still in the Renaisance.

>The rise of Christianity coincided with the rise of the importance of family and the more careful raising of children
Kek nice one retard, yeah Europeans didn't value the family until your Semitic religion...
>which made parables of great emperors and horrible fathers like Commodus and Marcus Aurelius
how's that a parable?

or the ones screeching "INFIDELS!!!" at us?

Seethe abo

if anything the church destroyed classical ways of raising kids in extended family like clans by making it illegal to marry in extended families, thus breaking this structure open.

sand niggers arne't just the ones who nailed him to a cross, you do realize that?

Your beloved Tertullian was a sand nigger
Your beloved Augustine was a sand nigger
Your beloved Anthony was a sand nigger
Your beloved Athanasius was a sand nigger
Your beloved Barnabas was a sand nigger

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who was marrying extended family?

Any fellow Bellonarii here?

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Europeans married extended families quite often before the church banned it, they lived more like clans. Outlawing this led to the "nuclear family"where every family unit is more seperate from the extended family super structure.

Rome was shit since the Severan Dynasty, it's inability to reform both as a Pagan and Christian state showed it was time for it to go.

what does that have to do with the fact that Christianity was made by sand niggers?

Your beloved Cyril was a sand nigger
Your beloved Didymus was a sand nigger
Your beloved Pope Miltiades was a sand nigger
Your beloved Mathew the Hermit was a sand nigger
And of course, Your beloved Jesus was a sand nigger

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>Europeans married extended families quite often
Lol who told you that? a christian?

You used to be cool.

Attached: Anubis 03.jpg (1000x1404, 190.03K)

Still gay shit

Not the young boy you had hoped for, Mahmoud?

Attached: Bastet + Anubis 03.jpg (1200x1381, 162.77K)

>jerking off to drawings
its gay

And my names Ahmed not mahmoud

Laugh at me all you want it's true.

Regarding itself as not being bound by Old Testament commandments, the early Christian church followed Roman civil law, as the law of the land. The Christian emperors modified the rules from time to time and extended the civil law impediment to the first degree of collateral affinity. The church extended the impediment to relationships created by illicit intercourse. The Council of Elvira (c. 300), prohibited the marriage of a widower with his deceased wife's sister. The prohibition became slowly more extensive. By the early 9th century the Western Church had increased the number of prohibited degrees of consanguinity from four to seven. The method of calculating relationships was also changed to simply count the number of generations back to a common ancestor.The church also prohibited affinity to the same seven degrees. While the impediment of affinity is close to but not as compelling as that of consanguinity, the reasoning behind the prohibited degrees of affinity being treated the same as that of consanguinity is the nearness to the blood relatives by the very act of sexual intercourse.

Not going to lie, the girl looks hot

It’s thread 1000001 on this.

No, Bolsheviks destroyed what came before them while Christianity preserved it. Pic related

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"What is General Plan Ost"

Any empire or nation that perpetuates institution of slavery must be destroyed at all cost.

Christian is hate hate hated by jew.
Jew is the goolager.

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You tell me.

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The tomato is the edible berry of the plant Solanum lycopersicum, commonly known as a tomato plant. The species originated in western South America and Central America. The Mexican Nahuatl word tomatl gave rise to the Spanish word tomate, from which the English word tomato derived

Christians were the original antifa/woke crowd

>no proof it was common in pre christcuck Europe

Soviet propaganda.

A jewish invention from top to bottom

It's indeed sad how pagan larp tards think everything in Europe they don't like is due to Christianity, while it's far better to say that their cynicism lack of education or just plain retardedness is a far greater cause of the downfall.

>Turn the other cheek goy, be a doormat
>50.000 denominations, all disagree on the basics "How to be saved", everyone call the other denomination false wolf in sheepl clothing preachers
>Lots of mental illness and magical thinking "if i just believe hard enough, x or y will happen"

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Nice one

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People need to read this also

no one thinks that, however it's safe to say your jewish religion brought nothing of value to Europe it didn't already have

Daily reminder:

Only White people are people and only Whites can truly be Christian. White people are supposed to have absolutely nothing to do with the other races, instructed to not even so much as greet them. Which makes sense since kikes and all other non-Whites are nothing but misfortune generating parasites whose sole purpose is to degrade and destroy the White race and its civilization. Then there's also the fact that all non-Whites have an inescapable destiny of total oblivion.

Source: the Holy Bible


All those non-White self-proclaimed Christians are abject fools, nothing but pathetic confused larping mongrel abominations. Do not waste your precious time on them; the ditch is the perfect place for them until the harvest.

Matthew 15:13-14

(13)But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. (14)Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.


100 proofs the Israelites were White and NOT jewish

The creation of the jewish people and the anti-Christ for dummies

Bible Basics

Attached: Bible, Science, Documents, Common Sense all in Agreement .jpg (3728x9200, 3.69M)

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Also this

"Egypt: Series of fires in their churches ‘not a coincidence’, say Copts"

Attached: Why White Women Should avoid nigs.jpg (1224x1584, 592.79K)

this! woke nigger faggot activist liberal is the crust cucks final form. 1000 years in the making

>Matthew 15:13-14
I'm not sure what this has to do with race at all. Care explaining?

This is very easy to refute. First of all documents and knowledge become lost after the destruction of a library. Before the printpress, all information was written in a manuscript format. The reason why many documents from the Classical Antiquities were lost is due to two particular instances in history. One, was the sacking of Alexandria and two, the fall of Constantinoiple. This event is why much of the literature is lost. Christians are commonly accused of the destruction of Alexandria. This is usually disputed seeing as the City was collapsing economically, socially and politically at the time which leads to the circumstances of a library being destroyed.

We can see how common this is with this list of destroyed libraries: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_destroyed_libraries#Human_action

Most of the time when we get Christians destroying and rioting in history they come from a specific era where the religion included the Middle Eastern nations. Ironically, as time lapses, you could see how these particular Christians transformed into Muslims.

Christianity promised forgiveness for the degenerates of the Roman Empire, in some way like today wokism promises forgiveness for slavery, holocaust and killing faggots.

this is a new level of retarded

It hurts so much holy shit.


I'm no Christian just calling out your retarded notions. Your cynical attitude and trying to undermine Christianity even more is very jewish of you, if you dislike jews so much try stop acting like a kike.

A lie.

Done, it's weak. Hardly even an argument, actually. Almost more like a set of loosely affiliated accusations that (possibly) Christian hordes over a 1,400+ year time span destroyed some great works of art and literature. That's hardly a measured, sourced and concise argument that Christianity was the Globohomo/Communism/Islam of antiquity (an assertion frequently made by angry pseuds on Any Forums, and one which certainly isn't going anywhere soon).

Based mudbro

>Makes banking illegal for christians
>A (((specific))) minority is still allowed to do it tho
>What could go wrong

This temporary world and its ways are contrary to the One who will judge us and His divine kingdom. If we love this world and its ways by trying to save it or preserve, we will become enemies of God.

Phil 3:17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.
Phil 3:18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:
Phil 3:19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)
Phil 3:20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
Phil 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

>shills all get pulled in to damage control the Canadian truckers
>zero (0) pro-Christian threads in the catalog
It was a raid the whole time.

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Esau thou art hated. Despised even.

Attached: If you believe that the Israelies were jews, then you are a victim of the jews.png (917x942, 145.55K)

This post is a copypasta, kys faggots.
Fucking sage

>source: bro trust me
>pointedly ignores all the old testament laws about treating people well only apply to behavior towards Jews

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Just one of many instances where the total destruction of all non-Whites is promised. And also just another instance of being instructed to ignore and have nothing to do with these wretched abominations.

All non-Whites are creatures (plants) not of God - the result of violating the law of kind after kind - and as it says, all those not planted by God will be uprooted.

For a fuller and more in depth scholarly explanation.



Pic related
A literal Jew telling Gentile Greeks who they can worship and who not.
Timothy is a saint in all churches.

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>angry Greeks beat a Jew to death

Disgusting fucking cucks