Sex reassignment surgery

Would you do it?

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>Sex reassignment surgery
no such thing. sex is immutable.

i am hesitant if only cause i'm paranoid that they'd make some kind of new advance in srs technology like a month after i got it

Doctors who mutilate healthy tissue should be imprisoned (yes, I am also against circumcision).

If it was guaranteed to not be butchered, yes.

I don't hate my dick, though. I'll just wait and see how science proceeds.

I'm not particularly fond of my dick, but no, I won't because SRS won't give me what I actually want.

only truth matters

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the truth is trans women are men
a mutilated internal ballskin penis contraption is not a vagina, does not look like a vagina, and most certainly, does not feel like a vagina

does it matter?

yes, you are males
we live in a society with sex segregation, obviously men and women are seen as different things

user, you don't even know what a vagina feels like on your penis so please relax.

Except it's voluntarily and is becoming better and better as time it goes on. Circumcision is involuntarily the vast majority of the time and is performed on babies. Babies can't give consent.

Nobody can consent to sterilization. It is always wrong.

I hear it's not worth if you don't have fore skin so I guess not

not very poon of me but id rather get an arm amputated than get phallo

I'm literally voluntarily sterilizing myself right now by taking anti-androgens.

I don't give a fuck about passing on my genes, I'm just going to adopt if I ever want a kid.

It isn't fucking voluntary. Nobody believes your lies. Everyone hates uncle toms. What you are doing is wrong and we will stop you.

I am going to swallow my own dying sperm just to make you seethe more

why do i have a feeling youll back down on that claim when its a vasectomy or getting tubes tied because they dont want more kids.

willing sterilization with full knowledge and consent to said sterilization is in no way comparable to forced strelization. forced birth is far more comparable to forced strelization given any immorality comes from the removal of a persons automony. refusing to let people have the option to prevent or stop a pregnancy (regardless of if its sperm or egg) is literally far more oppresive than letting someone do what they want with their own body.

idk why i except anything from piltard nazi raiders though

>shit tier surgery technique
Lol no thanks but srs with a good surgeon is bliss
vag should be mandatory for cis moids and tranners alike
Just an improvement over all tbqh

fuck no shits barbaric ill gladly keep my gock thank you very much

>I ever want a kid
there is a growing number of people and a political movement that is going to block / put the stop to that, you may act as smug as you want while talk about consuming your sperm.

>Nobody can consent to sterilization. It is always wrong.
So all those guys who get vasectomies are brainwashed?

No, I think it should always be banned except like if it has cancer or is gonna explode and kill you. People should be forced to breed. Jesus saves.

The government isn't going to do shit lmao I live in SF, a city where half of the people there can't even have biological babies.

Keep seething though tourist.

yes, it does matter, if you are against it, you have entire reality against you, you can't win that.

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