Trans feelings aren't necessarily indicative of "being" that desired sex

Trans feelings aren't necessarily indicative of "being" that desired sex.
Case in point: I'm cisF and if I woke up male tomorrow I'd embrace being the best guy I could be. I wouldn't be desperately trying to become a woman again.
I don't think this makes me "Secretly a man" or "non-binary", because right now I'm cis as female. I think this just makes me "Accepting of the body I'm given", and anti-surgery.

Attached: hp9mer.jpg (450x300, 19.26K)

Just further illustrates you have zero understanding of dysphoria

In this *hypothetical* situation where you wake up as a boy, what would your name be? Aiden? Ky?

you seem really confident you'd know exactly how you would feel in this completely made up scenario and i think you're wrong

>"Accepting of the body I'm given"
> anti-surgery.
so if you were paraplegic, would you turn down a novel surgery that would make you walk?
>inb4 i'm anti-surgery for surgeries that are for vain only
horrible looking skin condition but otherwise healthy -> affecting the mental state -> suicidal, but anti-vain surgery am i right? :D:D:D
shortened it because i'm lazy

this lmao

In the off chance you aren’t a repper, you are wrong lol
You are either a butchy dyke who already is read as male and who nothing would change for, or you’re talking out your ass

>another tourist that thought 1 minute about smth instead of 10sec, and thinks they made a revelation

That's cool
In a hypothetical situation where I was slagrox from the planet of grabblathor, I would totally support war against the fixthil planet because of what they did to gribblygook

Oh wait, hypothetical situations like this are stupid because you have zero idea of what it would feel like, so any notion of what you would do is useless
You literally can't understand situations like that

Wow, why didnt i just think of having no dysphoria. thanks doc, i dont hate my body now.

Groomer honeypot thread.

Well yeah. But I'm saying I wouldn't have dysphoria on either side as that's not how my thinking works.
lol. The name Kyle is nice. But I have no desire to be a male. I *do* have thoughts like "These are the cutest clothes for guys; this is what I'd wear if I were a dude". I'd never go FTM as I don't have dysphoria and the primary sexual appeal of males is their penis, which neopenises aren't.
Unless the brain changes upon changing sex, specifically in the area of likelihood to experience dysphoria (ie male brains being more likely toward dysphoria), then I am quite confident. I know who I am and how I think about things.
No sorry, I mean surgeries that are elective that fail to be better than the natural healthy working body you currently have.

Fellow cisoid, not really sure what your point is here. Are you implying that being trans is fake or something? Or are you just making a shitty blogpost about how sane and normal you are?

Not repper, feminine style and thin though I'm still overall average to ugly. Interests are somewhat masculine since I use Any Forums and like programming
Why do you assume I'm wrong?
had this thought years ago when learning about what dysphoria is, haven't changed on it
ya like Rick&Morty? I think my situation is much easier to grasp than some alien political landscape

I'm saying that dysphoria shouldn't be viewed as proof that you 'are' internally, spiritually, attunement-wise or whatever the opposite sex. Dysphoria is indicative of dysphoria, and something that stems of your own brain chemistry, rather than something that proves a grand mismatch re: your sex.
I'm demonstrating this by giving the example that yes I'm female but I don't have "MUST BE FEMALE" feelings; I have "happens to be female, OK then let's do this" feelings that would easily switch to "happens to be male, OK then let's do this" if I woke up male.

>ie male brains being more likely toward dysphoria
it's about as likely for either sex to be dysphoric
I mean your idea isn't really well thought out, there was a person who thought like you before, he made go through the wrong puberty for him and socialized him as a woman to prove that gender was socially constructed and not a thing you are born with, and then the boy killed himself.

>I don't have "MUST BE FEMALE" feelings;
because you already are female
>would easily switch to "happens to be male, OK then let's do this" if I woke up male.
you wouldn't, and you can't say you would just be fine with it since you never experienced it

They're right in that many people can have dysphoria that aren't traditionally considered trans. If you gave a cis person srs many would be dysphoric, OP I'm guessing wouldn't like it but might not be caring about it so much in terms of dysphoric feelings. People that have damage to their genitals also are like this, some care more than others.

>No sorry, I mean surgeries that are elective that fail to be better than the natural healthy working body you currently have.
So we just have to work on better surgeries, which is what will happen anyway.
FFS can be pretty good, so it's more of a case of, I don't like it, because not 100% of all surgeries turn out well.
Can understand if you mean stuff like ducklips. Or horrible ffs.
Reality is, SRS still is not there for a lot of transwomen to take the plunge, so it's really arguing for them desu. Why is penile inversion so common when we have something like the davydov procedure, that was used on afab women with MRKH syndrome for decades?
Stuff to think about

John Money? The guy might have killed himself because he was given unnecessary surgery and lied to all his life.
If I were born male I'd be pissed if they mutilated my dick and raised me as a faux-female.
As I see it, the ideal route is to take the natural body you are given and make the best of it. NOTE: This is not advice for those already experiencing dysphoria. This is what I would do and what I would want to happen to me if I were born either sex-- I would want to be raised as that sex in the best possible way for that sex's ideal healthy expression.

Ok so you're definitely a cis woman. But not because of the retarded metaphysics that you're making up. It's because you really want everyone to care about your blog.

I still don't really get your point. So you're saying that you don't have dysphoria -- and that means dysphoria doesn't indicate whether or not you're trans? So a lack of dysphoria on your part invalidates the presence of it in others?

I'm cis, so I obviously don't know what it feels like, but logically, dysphoria points from one place to another. It doesn't just loop back around to reify your current state of being. You're schizoposting. I'm all for trolling on this board, but I really don't get the angle of this bait.

>you wouldn't, and you can't say you would just be fine with it since you never experienced it
This same argument is what people say to a lot of trans people, how do you know you want to be another sex you've never done it? Imagination is a powerful tool.

i dont think shes trolling. i think shes genuinely retarded and delusionally thinks shes right.

>how do you know you want to be another sex you've never done it?
because I dislike the things testosterone did to me and enjoy the things estrogen did to me, I like having broader hips, softer skin, small boobs, being called a girl, etc. i dislike having broader shoulders, thicker and greasier skin, body hair, deeper voice, etc.
so yeah i would say i know that being closer to female is better for me, and ftms would say being closer to male and using testosterone is better for them

I agree with you OP, I respect that people don't have the most well thought out metaphysics about their own sex or transness though, and are nevertheless entitled to change themselves in medically safe ways. It also seems in a pragmatic way to work out well, a lot of people seem happier.

I'll post some stuff you might find interesting if the threads up later.

>you wouldn't
I think I know myself better than you. Is it that weird of a concept to be OK with whatever slate you're given?
Right, it'll be interesting if surgeries ever reach a point of truly identical for both sexes. Current state leaves a lot to be desired.
You're cis, but if you woke up tomorrow with a new identity and new sex, do you think you'd be freaking out going "Change me back!! I'm a dude!!" or do you think you'd make the best of it as a female? (Or change the sexes around if you're already female)
It's not bait; not understanding why it's being labeled as troll stuff.

>because I dislike the things testosterone did to me and enjoy the things estrogen did to me,
In other words you did it, but before you did it how did you know? You didn't lolrandum wake up one morning and just zanily pop some est. I think you're focusing on something like srs, when that argument is used at all stages of transition.

Is this proof for you that you're a trapped female though or just proof that you enjoy having a feminine appearance? Does the difference matter to you?