Can /tttt/ diagnose me?

You guys would be infinitely cheaper than gender therapy?

Attached: 9d0424242b7e3b64bdb095a9caa50949.jpg (474x474, 31.71K)

you're a tranny

do you think about wanting to be a girl

I often think about wanting female secondary sexual characteristics and how much I dislike my male ones

if I screen shot this can I show it to my insurance to get free skittles?

alright then. pills now

Attached: 1661707235682186.jpg (810x760, 121.38K)


you are AGP
do not take the pills


Kingdom of Saudi Arabiagynophilia

>im trans. am i trans?

Idk user this shit feels really confusing. So like I wanna have the body of a woman but I wanna keep my dick because I get anxiety at the thought of having a vagina. At the same time I don't really want the people who know me already to start treating me any different but I do think I would enjoy making new relationships/friendships where I'm seen as female

thats literally fine. there are transfems who dont want bottom surgery.

honestly, for the most part, it seems as if youve already made up your mind, but are finding other reasons to postpone it

>but are finding other reasons to postpone it
yeah... desu I've been doing that as like a repeated habit for like 15 years. I legit cannot find the actual courage to accept myself and start transition

don't listen to psyoping death cultist, user You want to live past 30

that sounds like dysphoria, would you say you feel distressed from being and growing male and would rather be and grow up female?

I diagnose you with NEET syndrome. Here are your NEET bux, free pepe, and 20cc of Memes.

that'll be $2500.00 Plus tip

>misuses a question mark to signal a rising intonation
mhmm, yep: you're womanbrained

The longer you wait the more you'll regret it.

I've been finding reasons to put if off thinking it was a phase or something I can repress and it's only gotten worse with age. Now I'm full of regret for not pulling this trigger sooner, and seeing a doctor next week.

>You want to live past 30
if I make it to my next birthday I'll have already lived past 30

a post-30 troon has about 6 months to live if on HRT.

you may be an HRT femboy