Honestly, I feel bad for trans men. Yeah...

Honestly, I feel bad for trans men. Yeah, 90% of them are just teenage girls who want to look like their anime characters and never actually put any effort in looking masculine, but this 10% is totally fucked up. Imagine switching from easy to hard mode willingly, just to look like a hairy dickless manlet. By comparison, 100% of trans "women" are either failed males seeking an easy way out, or fetishists mutilating their bodies because it turns them on.

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>Imagine switching from easy to hard mode willingly, just to look like a hairy dickless manlet.
I’m hairy and dickless and 5’4 and I have a girlfriend and I’m getting a STEM degree
Are people nice to me and do they help me? No
Were they and did they before? Also no
Nothing has changed

you have a mental illness

You don't?

(meant for op)

Your 'girlfriend' is a lesbian and you are a woman.

I'm a man who likes women so no of course not

low effort bait
touch grass

You are not a man and liking woman doesn't make you a man.

I’m a tranny who doesn’t really pass and when I mention I’m trans, people ask if I’m a FTM. I have the features of the typical pooner: manlet, frog voice, beta male face.

Same except I socialize better and am more well liked as a man
Lonely is the life of a cishon

My girlfriend is mtf and calls me daddy. I didn’t ask her to do that and tbhon it weirds me out a little but I think it’s cute she can’t prevent herself from saying it even though it embarrasses her

Yeah same just people aren’t overtly kind or nice until we have a good conversation and people never ask me about my emotions how they do women, and also didn’t before

> 5’8” passoid
> doesn’t get treated like a stupid woman
> gets left alone, don’t have to worry about being hit on by creepy men at the bar
> don’t have to deal with the shitty expectations society places on women (being pretty, being thin, popping out kids, etc)
> doesn’t have to deal with bullshit expectations women have because I date men instead
Idk man it’s pretty comfy

Okay so you are just a straight couple? Lol.

Congrats man. Also, you had to be a hell ugly woman.

lmao at least be consistent faggot

I didn't make the OP.

then what is your point?

I looked like a twink/little boy pre-t and now I look my own age
I femalefailed pre t but only passed as a 12 year old when I was actually 15
Yeah it’s ST4T. Literally in the name

>being thin
god i wish staying in decent shape was the universal expectation. a trip to 'murica traumatized me for life.