/repgen/Repression general

Old thread
user actually thinks male skin is caused by not showering and no exercise

Attached: male-vs-female-skin.jpg (950x585, 292.56K)

Antisemitism cures gender dysphoria.

I'm not a tranny just a failure, but yeah it's nice having something to hate more than myself. And I can look down at my mutilated dick for a harsh reminder that I'm not wrong to hate them.

Why is my face so fucking masculine and large at 22? How is that possible?

Are you an ex jew or a filipino? I don't know a lot of flip antisemites so I assume the former

i just fucked up another job interview
holy fuck i'm a useless failure i'm never going to troon out i can't do anything right

Why do you say you fucked it up, what did you do wrong?

t. preparing to interview as I'm sick of my current job

I think I'm going to start larping as a woman again. The issue is that when I do I lose any sense of reality.

>Why do you say you fucked it up, what did you do wrong?
i'm a programmer so it's like a coding test
i got most of the questions half right or not good enough. one i fucked up really badly as well

i needed to get all 100% right to move onto the next stage but i wasn't good enough

>t. preparing to interview as I'm sick of my current job
i'm not going to have my current job for long

neither, just american, but the doctor who convinced my mom to do it was a jew

Oh, that sounds stressful. Could it be one of thsoe things where they wanted to see how you handled stress and the questions were intentionally harder than a normal person could solve on the spot?

the level of the questions asked were not to the level of being like that. these are questions that if i was trying to hire i would expect people to be able to answer with reasonable competence. it's an extremely competitive position and i'm surprised i even got an interview.
i didn't do it right, but someone else who wanted it more than me did

Shit, I'm suddenly feeling imposter syndrome about my applications, one of which is a with a prestigious company. Oh well I guess it's practice right?

Hope you find something you like soon.

>Oh well I guess it's practice right?
if any other place calls me back that is.
i'd probably just mess up the job anyways

>Hope you find something you like soon.
i don't know what i actually like. i just need something stable that i'm not constantly afraid of getting fired in

i don't think i have the work ethic to try in school either

Just keep trying, think of the application process as your job and keep your spirits high. I'm telling you this but I'm really trying to psych myself up for this because I hate this process but I know I have to do it.

i'm trying to get something, but it all feels pointless
i'm not sure what i'm supposed to be doing or trying anymore. i can't handle my current job so i do need to pick something else before my boss kicks me out

Isn't the point to have a roof over your head?

The most humiliating thing about my job search is I've started getting linkedin ads for part time stock boy at J Crew. It's like the system is telling me what a loser I am, I'm applying for $180k positions but the system knows I'm a loser and a fraud

>just gotta fix my male skin...

Attached: downloadfile.jpg (630x350, 36K)

>Isn't the point to have a roof over your head?
my parents would provide that for me. the point is to make enough money to buy my way into womanhood

>I'm applying for $180k positions but the system knows I'm a loser and a fraud
kek, i'm applying for 250k-350k positions that i know i couldn't handle

Damm, you're going to have some nice upgrades if you can land one of those. Do you voice train?

>Damm, you're going to have some nice upgrades if you can land one of those.
i don't know if i could land any of them. i just completely fucked up an interview at one

>Do you voice train?
no because i don't live alone
i really should voice train

is this a function of development or estrogen?

Lol cope, your mom likes cut dicks

oh, also. as i'm applying to jobs
the worst part is when they ask
>What is your gender?
>Are you transgender?
I desperately want to say female but i can't