Why are HSTS so haughty and sassy?

Are huss tussies closer in appearance and behavior to cis straight women or flamboyant cis gay men?

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Probably a cross breed, part hsts, part agp. Full hsts don't transition if that large

Punished HSTS do. Look at Robynne from the UK. I think the realization that punished HSTS exist and are valid has been the biggest revelation of neo-Blanchardianism in the 21st Century.

I don't understand the concept of punished hsts? Many hsts are Black and Hispanic and come from very repressed families that are very homophobic/transphobic.
Everybody who transitions today has some AGP component, along with being exclusively homosexual. Few highly homoerotic males transition today.

Like they are HSTS (only into men) but they are built like a brick and kinda autistic so people sometimes confuse them for an AGP.

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I don't agree with you. My opinion is, hsts is only transition if they think they're going to be prettier as women. True in my case. Every gay kid I knew as a teenager, either transition because they were small and cute, or didn't transition because they made better looking men. It's all looks with us, not much a psychological factor.

This makes a lot of sense. I’d say HSTS’s are extremely Narcissistic and looks obsessed, whereas AGP’s are extremely autistic and coom obsessed.

we're like half breed sayains, we have the most potential

Idk, most HSTS today live is feminine gay men, unless they are racial minorities. No reason being trans, if everyone is going to think you're male. Early HSTS is transitioned to be female, true for me.
I wouldn't fully transition today, give up my penis, there's no payoff. It's sexually stunting.
AGP/dysphoria are the only reason to transition today. I still don't understand it?

I wish more people would like to have a regular conversation about this topic? I don't really think HSTS and AGP are distinct categories. I think what makes hsts is homophobia and wanting to be a female sex object, attractive to men. I think what makes AGP is gender dysphoria, wanted to see yourself as your own sex object.
I think the motives for hsts to transition was sex change, believed that they would be female. I think that way and if not, I would never transition. I never had gender dysphoria, or wanted to be my sex object.

HSTS just means you are not into girls at all.

Must be something besides that? I agree with you it means liking men sexually, but so does being a femme gay. I know I wouldn't transition today. AGP is dysphoria, HSTS isn't.

Nope, just means you only like men. The classification is not based off of whether you report having dysphoria or not.

flamboyant gays obviously

Then why do huss tussy brains scan closer to female? And I think there was something about a gene related to androgen processing where it was common in trans women but not gay men or something.

I started transition at this age. I don't believe that I would be so uncomfortable with being a gay man today. I would never transition today! Can you answer why that's true, or don't you believe me?

People transition due to gender dysphoria. It has nothing to do with sexuality.

Then I'm not a people?
My transition had nothing to do with gender dysphoria! Being attracted to men, not feeling very confident in a male social role, and being fearful being perceived as male and thinking life would be easier as a woman were my reasons.
I have no reason to lie about this. It doesn't make sense of just accuse me of larping!

I dunno, I've always been sassy.

agp and hsts are both not real things

I don't necessarily think Blanchard was right in his depiction. I do think that there have been a lot of gay men, in the past, who transitioned because they thought life would be better as a female. They never had any dysphoria and just did it for social reasons. I'm one of these people.