Only popular movement in the west because white people are more liberal

>only popular movement in the west because white people are more liberal
>mainly mtf trannies screaming about their issues
>so majority of trannies are just white men creating new reasons why they should be protected

Trans culture becoming the norm is basically the biggest white male privilege movement

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jannies please

Ftm's have been at the forefront for much longer, mtf's are the ones being persecuted.

konata irl would think you're a fucking loser and hang out with us

Most trannies into activism are transbians, and most transbians are white, so yes you guessed it. The trans movement in the West is a gigantic white man moment.

Wdym ftm activism is only a recent thing

Ftm activists were far and few because most of them just integrated

>konata would wanna hang out with the man in a dress over a cute boy like me

nai desu

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White man mad his rights got challenged

white man tired of seeing the exact same shit bait posted two hundred times a day and not be deleted

right wingers larping using 'privilige' will never not be funny

This is very true, as a trans woman I use my white male privilege daily. Like when people catcall me on the street or clock me and call me a faggot and also I can never get a job because I'm a fucking tranny, a privilege all white males enjoy.

oh no i put on clown makeup and clown shoes and now everyone treats me like a clown

>being a woman is equivalent to le clown

No but being a tranny is

So you're saying only white men can be clowns? That's what the clown rights movement is really about? Racist and sexist much?

t. edgy Any Forumsarper trying to pretend they're /leftypol/

now why would a white privilege movement fight for its supporters to be seen as clowns?

>oh no i put on clown makeup and clown shoes and now everyone treats me like a clown
I thought they had white privilege?

The sad thing is whites are the most anti-trans group but mindbroken white nazi trannies can't process this information so they lash out at the people who would have accepted them while begging for acceptance by those who want them dead

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Damn it feels good to be white