Can I be Cis?

What is cis, does srs make you cis? If not, why be different on purpose? Are gay men on HRT cis?

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if you were born a man and identify as a man, you're cis

If you were born a man and identify as a woman, you're a man.

I don't quite understand how are you born a man? Aren't you born a baby boy? Isn't a man something you have to work at to achieve? I mean people say all the time you can't really claim to be a man if you don't have a job or if you don't have ability.

If you mean being male, isn't being male just the state of having a dick? So if you keep your dick and you take female hormones, even if you look like a woman your male and your cis?
What if you sacrifice the dick, are you cis female?
See, I don't really get it if they mean all males who look like females are trans women, or not?

nobody's born a man

>I don't quite understand how are you born a man?
yes you do
sick burn repbro, high five

No I don't! Nobody says you're born a man, or born a woman. Everybody says you're born a baby boy, or a girl. If you never went to a baby shower maybe you don't realize that?

you are only cis if youre assigned gender matches the one you identify as. even if there was such a thing as chromosome reasignment surgery you couldnt become cis

ya know what, unlike me, zoomers love this cutesy retard schtick you're failing at, so I'll leave it to em to give you attention

The thread is tone nothing but a joke! Nobody is born full grown and nobody is born with the responsibilities of being a man or a woman from birth.

The more important question is, are you cis if you're male with a penis, you present as a female because you like looking femme, not because you identify as female, have a gender identity of a female? I know that's what a trans woman. I'm talking about identified males that like to look pretty , aren't they still sis?

I think you're talking about the man thing again? Haven't you ever seen in movies where they talk about if you're a real man? You do this if your real man, you do that. I think that most men would agree that you have to earn being a man you can't just say you're a man because you got a penis. You can say you're male but you can't say you're a man

You have questions too. it's important topic because in the future it may be much safer to be cis and trans.

Ur cis male if you feel ur gender I'd is male, even if you look and dress like female. Trans women identify as female

In 20 years nobody will be trans. it'll be an early 21st century history phase. Males will look female yet not be transgender

If it really matters to you to be identified as a man, it's better to be a trans woman. Men have a difficult time being referred to as men in our society. It's usually guy, boy, dude, Bro, anything other than man.
If you want to be called a man dress up and drag and present yourself as a trans woman and you'll be considered a man.
I don't know why this is true but that's the way our society is today.

You can be sis as long as you don't deter yourself a trans. These terms are used by people for their personal identity not anything physical about their body.

>you don't deter yourself a trans

deter or refer?
So,being trans is limited to how one personally identifies?

You seem genuinely confused lil buddy
I hope this diagram helps

Attached: WhatIsCis.png (673x299, 8.88K)

if you have a vagina you're cis. if you have a penis you're trans.

So it's amab cis boy trans girl srs cis girl ?

yes of course