Mmg manmoder general


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Will probably hang myself in January after Christmas, just don't have anything to look forward to for the rest of my life

Will hang in April, after Easter

will hang myself after i lose my virginity

wish i was a based enby

i spent a day from this thread and from this board, and you know what, i feel better
love you all
guess i only need this thread to vent when i'm drunk and to ask some questions when i;m kinda desperate and need answers from people who kinda feel like me or same shit
anyways fucking uhhhh

i really dont know how to do it, this whole "belt on a doorknob" just doesnt work, i tried multiple times but it;'s just i get aware just beffore doing it and stop at the last moment, i need a btter way, the one i cant pussy out at the last moment
fuck this tranny shit fuck me it has no future

this is coping you need to do it at an arbitrary date like a complete autismo in order to stall so you'll wiggle out of it. "I will end my life on sunday january 11th 2023 at 3:03:51 pm" it just has to be at that specific time and date for some reason. pure autism.

I'm doing it off a bridge, it'll probably tear my head off so nobody will be traumatized by finding my body

I literally just want to have one last Christmas before I do it


Attached: MoonMan.jpg (400x400, 42.5K)

i dont wanna die like this, but i also do, but i also don't, but also do, i don't know
anyways im being cringe again sorry
one day though

would you prefer if they didn't find your body?

>I literally just want to have one last Christmas before I do it
why? christmas is just like any other day of the year, nothing special about it

I have a few people I'll spend it with and who'd miss me if I left before it
I don't want to ruin it for them

i tried it literally but then i'm just like if m too sober i cant do it, but if i'm drunk i also get the feeling of awareness that i'm too inadequate to make such decisions and i should not do it and should go fucking sleep and chill and like
i tried it ,,but when i actually get to the bridge that is tall enoughh i kinda get less motivated, it's like a 20m bus ride and i just cant get keep motivatedf for so long

have you ever thought that your threats of killing yourself carry no weight? like even if you did we'd never know, not like there'd be a way to verify which makes empty threats made by anons and anonettes easy to make

I'm not threatening anything, the OP just said "suicide" and I decided to mention I'm planning it

wouldn't you rather commit suicide with the love of your life i feel as though if i had someone who loved me and l loved them it would motivate me to do it a lot more especially if we were in each other's arms as we took our last breaths

gonna get ffs soon and if that doesnt change anything im gonna overdose on fentanyl, is that stupid? Or should i go the classic exit bag.
It's like 4.2mg with a skinpatch, idk if I can get enough out of it in a concentrated solution

i will never feel actual love and i will never have someone who loves me, im literally an incel in its original meaning, maybe better to do it now than when i', like 40 or something

i feel the same way probably why I've been completely obsessed with trannies lately not necessarily in a sexual way but .... as a path out of my Hikki Kimori life

fuck that's cute...

exit bag if done correctly seems like the best way tho there's several ways it can fail.
a combination might be the best way, od on sleeping pills or some shit that's easy to get, then immediately after taking the pills put the bag over ones head?
like falling asleep and quickly die from helium inhalation...

i don't if i can actually love someone
i mean sometimes it seems like i can, other times it feels absolutely nothing ever matters... but idk might be overthinking things?
i'm a monster tho
austistic freak... spoke wt a medical trained person that clocked me as autistic after 20 minutes even with my well masked, well controlled, extremely mild autism
i'm ugly, old, and stupid

my bisexuality have lately switched from 95% male, 5% female to like 5% male, 10% female, 85% mtf :( feels bad man
not there's much actual sexuality there in the first place.

you all deserve love, don't lose your hopes! And don't plan suicide! Evil!!!! You all can be happy, the solution is just living life for what you enjoy, not what you don't, I love you all