Fuck Asexuals

I am an elder faggot (over the age of 25), probably older than 90% of the people on this board and certainly older than most of the queers you'll see online. I have seen the rise of the myriad gender/sexual identities and grappled with learning all the weird new shit zoomers call themselves.
There is one label that has always stuck out to me. "Asexual", along with its compatriot "aromantic".
If you want to say "nope no sex for me thanks" that's absolutely fine. But what the fuck are you doing in this community? Seriously, what benefit do you gain from it? What struggles do you have that can be helped by engaging with the LGBT community? "Hey the other day I didn't have sex" big fucking whoop? "Omg no one will date me cuz I'm asexual :(" yeah well the rest of us have to worry about getting fucking hatecrimed.
Attention-seeking nonsense. If you don't wanna fuck anyone, then just don't fuck anyone. Who cares? Honestly, who actually gives a shit? Why do we suffer these whiny babies in our spaces? Why is it a big deal to "come out" as asexual? Why should I ever give a single scrap of sympathy to someone who's greatest suffering has been "waahh my bf broke up with me cuz I didn't wanna fuck :("

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Because everyone says I’m gay when I’m just an ace

>elder faggot (over the age of 25)
lol stopped reading here

we gain nothing but hate for it and to a certain degree it's fucking funny to see people like you mald so goddamn hard over it. are you upset that you're a slave to your own sexual urges? that you're such a fucking flaming homo that you can accidentally tangentially think about cock and immediately want to have one stuffed down your throat?
I've been hate crimed at least three times in my life for being asexual though lol. my dad raped me as a kid because I thought another boy was cute, and I got the shit kicked out of me twice when I was in the military because some dudes in my platoon hit up some dudes in the battalion next to ours and told em I was gay. still got the scar on my lip from when some inbred dude bro smashed my face in with a fire extinguisher! LMAO.
imagine cishets parsing your sexuality as "not normal" and then when you reach out to the groups of people with "not normal" sexualities, they tell you to fuck off. lol.

If you're a queer and you make it to the age of 25, you are an elder. Most fags kill themselves or go straight/detrans before then.

opinion discarded

In all those cases, they did those things to you because they thought you were gay. Not because they thought you were asexual. Think critically for one singular moment in your life.

I'm 30 and can confirm that you're just retarded, OP.

Asexuality has been a thing for ages and was a pretty big subject for a while, way before these zoomer identities came to fruition.

I don't give a damn that asexual people exist. That's fine. What I care about is discussions about actual fucking problems that actually LGBT people endure being muddled with "well as an ace my life is very hard :("

that's my point
cishets are completely unable to understand what asexuality is, much in the same way they can't understand what homosexuality is
to them it's just "he's a faggot kick his ass!"
I am not gay. I am asexual.

>I don't give a damn that asexual people exist
>makes a thread bitching and moaning about how easy asexuals have it
nice cope LMFAO

Its pretty fucking obvious. People expect you to be in a relationship and get married.
They lump asexual and gay together.

If you're asexual then you can just shut the hell up and not fuck anyone. If you're a tranny you can't exactly hide that unless you're 100% passing and have a good surgeon. If you're a fag then you have to hide your sexuality from anyone who may want to kill you just for who you love.
This is the same shit as going around proudly proclaiming you're an atheist and getting mad when people give the ol' tip of the fedora to you. You can just shut the fuck up about it.

>People expect you to be in a relationship and get married.
Asexual people will claim all day every day that they are just fine being in a relationship.
I am not complaining that they exist, I am rightfully complaining that they think they have a valid reason to speak up when LGBT people are talking and act like they have any clue what it's like. You can throw around as many buzzwords as you'd like, you're not any more correct. Gonna hit me with a "seethe"? Maybe a "dilate"?

>Asexual people will claim all day every day that they are just fine being in a relationship.
is this all of them or just some?
There's gay people in straight relationships.

I am also an old faggot. Yeah been hate crimes boo hoo. What I don't get is why you are so mad about it? The link is it's not cis het sexuality. It isn't the sexyality approved by the culture. It isn't approved by the left or rigjt and in that asexuals face hardships. Like we all do. One story was related that you decided to appropriate and ignore. There are other situations that if you just contemplate you could conceive of.
Asexuals have no more obligation to be in the closet than any of us do.
Solidarity is key to liberation.

i dont think aces uncritically assert that they belong in conversations about oppression, they (generally) have the good taste and common sense to know when their life experiences are applicable and when they're not just like everyone else.
i do think that too many young people who become sex repulsed are too quick to decide they just dont experience attraction. obviously at least some people never do but if i had even a cursory interest in sex and then completely lost it one day without any apparent change in my lifestyle or hormonal profile id go to a doctor.

>If you're asexual then you can just shut the hell up and not fuck anyone.
you don't understand lmfao. I did this. I didn't even know what asexuality was until I was like 20 years old. I grew up in christian household and I didn't show interest in the girls at church. I didn't talk shit with the bros in the military about how I wanted to fuck a waitress's brains out. that's the fucking PROBLEM you insufferable fucking faggot. if I slipped up and said anything not heteronormative, I got lumped in with homosexuals. if I slipped up and said "nah" to some dude who asked me if I wanted to fuck [insert random nearby female], I got lumped in with homosexuals.

>If you're a fag then you have to hide your sexuality from anyone who may want to kill you just for who you love.

>I am an elder faggot (over the age of 25)
Then act like it, no one wants to hear an old person cry about what the yungins are doing "wrong"

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My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; if wrong, to be set right again. Take one look at the state of trans rights if you want any indication as to what this generation's completely lack of gatekeeping has done.
So you admit it yourself, once again. You admit that those things only happened to you because you indicated you might be gay. And that is the fear and abuse actually gay people go through on a daily basis. What was a few traumatic experiences for you is a lifetime of living with this fucking storm cloud overhead for people who are actually LGBT.
You can spin it however you wish, but in the end the problem was of your own making.

Astronomically underrated post

>My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; if wrong, to be set right again. Take one look at the state of trans rights if you want any indication as to what this generation's completely lack of gatekeeping has done.
Are you high

oh you're trolling lmao you got me good bro. np. have a good one. sage.

Read a book one time in your life, I'm begging you. Webcomics don't count.

You are definitely stuck up your own ass if you assume everyone who says you're wrong doesn't read books

>Books = smart
Oh, okay, you're baiting. got it.

>fuck asexuals
actually rape asexuals. anyone who's an "asexual" meme should be violently raped until they either get mind broken into a new sexuality that's valid, doesn't matter if it's straight or not, or they should be murdered. simple as. I'll be bringing a gun to the next pride festival and murdering any of these ace faggots I can uncover.

Alright, alright, I'll play nice then.
If you had the experiences I have had, you would understand why the LGBT community needs some measure of gatekeeping. Some measure of self-policing. You'd understand why some people need to be told to shut the fuck up. Telling the right people to shut the fuck up is the reason we were allowed as many victories as we had. Gay marriage, the right to change our gender, the right to express our identity in public without getting lynched.
But we live in a post-"It is MA'AM" world now. There is no gatekeeping at all. No telling people to shut the fuck up (unless they're trying to gatekeep, as I am). The most embarrassing examples of the LGBT community are now by far the most vocal, and it shows. LGBT rights are being walked back every month because the freakshows have been allowed free reign.

Look what happened as I was typing my post.
Can you see what I'm talking about now? How we need to tell certain people to shut the fuck up?

hey how many times have you been raped? if it's less than 3 you need to shut the fuck up or go get your ass raped, faggot. anything less than 3 makes you a subhuman sack of shit not worthy of discussing homosexuality on Any Forums's lgbt board.

Every asexual I've met is super fucking hot and I get PISSED when I hear that they're ace, rage beyond human. I JUST WANNA FUCK YOU. WHY IS THAT BAD I WANT TO FEEL YOUR SKIN AGAINST MINE. I WANT TO FUCK THEN CUDDLE AND WATCH A MOVIE

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Molested by a (female) babysitter when I was fairly young. 5 or 6, it's a bit of a blur. Molested again by my friend's big sister when I was 9, and she made us perform sexual acts on each other as well. I don't know why I'm indulging you with a comment, but I'm waiting for my food to get here anyway.