Transwomen are transwomen

>Transwomen are transwomen
How common is this belief? I always thought people just generally thought of us as men, with a small but non-negligible minority seeing us as women. This would actually be hopefuel.

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I personally see and campaign for others to see trans women as a smaller subset of women that are women (category), but are different from cis women (subclass), with this not being a negative or a positive thing inherently... instead of 100% "stealth" equivalency assimilation, which is both not pragmatic and not healthy.
Also, trans women with successful HRT treatment are literally neurologically, physically, and socially not men. Regardless of what you see them as yourself, equating them to crossdressers ("a man in a dress") is so far from the truth that you debase your argument right off the start with a huge misconception.
They're also not eunuchs or whatever as eunuchs do not have a female-sexed endocrine system the way MtFs do.
>t. trans woman

desu that's practically TWAW in my eyes. Not many people argue that trans women are literally exactly the same as cis women. Just that they both belong to the same category.

They are also not women

they are not cis women, correct. that's what i said

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I never say anything I just am
I just am myself people think what they think
I don't give a fuck

Look... There is no such thing as a trans gender person. That simply doesn't exist. All that does exist, is hormonally damaged males and females, and surgically damaged males and females. You can not be something you aren't just by mimicking secondary sexual charicaristics like hormone levels, or by fashioning scar tissue to resemble the opposite sex. That simply doesn't exist. It's not real. All the photo shop and insta filters in the world won't change anything. All the pills and surgeries don't alter your biology. Tampering with the endocrine system in the way that these people have done is wildly dangerous, and always results in severe side effects after some time. There is a reason why people that pruport to be transgender live short lives... The cancers, maladies, malformations and conditions resulting from trying to obtain female secondary sexual charicaristics (hormone levels) are severe and onset without warning. The male body cannot process high levels of estrogen. It simply isn't built for that. Pretending to be a woman, posing for all these pictures, getting all these surgeries, it doesn't matter. None of it makes you female. What it does make you is a severely damaged man, who is going to suffer greatly

Different poster here. What do you make of the many inborn biological traits that correlate with being transgender and appear to relate to being unusual for your sex? Genes, brain structures, that sort of thing. The twin of a trans person is dozens over times more likely to be trans.

Even if you don't think trans women are women or whatever it simply seems inaccurate to me to think that trans people are not distinct even before they transition.

>Tampering with the endocrine system in the way that these people have done is wildly dangerous, and always results in severe side effects after some time. There is a reason why people that pruport to be transgender live short lives... The cancers, maladies, malformations and conditions resulting from trying to obtain female secondary sexual charicaristics (hormone levels) are severe and onset without warning. The male body cannot process high levels of estrogen. It simply isn't built for that.
Is there any evidence for this?

all you're doing right now is arguing against the existence of words that classify anything that exists with set, identifiable characteristics lol. a man is not the same as a trans woman, otherwise a trans woman wouldn't even exist as a commonly-understood category, people would just be like "what is that? do you mean that guy with the boobs? i dunno why he does that. anyway..."

This is such a mdeically inaccurate take

Hrt is very well tolerated if you Ditch AAs this sounds like some Any Forums tier rant about as credible as anti-vax hurr pfitzer gonna kill everyone rants and 5g microwave radiation sterilizing every one rants

Where did you get this information? I'm guessing source I made it up in my head dude it makes sense to me just common sense bro


holy shit phone please stop

Unironically, what is a woman to you? Sans birth biology, what makes a transwoman a woman? If you can answer, then I don't see what your issue is.

My answer is really lengthy. ~6 posts long. Are you sure you want to know?

>If you can answer, then I don't see what your issue is.
What do you mean? I'm not sure I get what you're getting at.

Yes, answer. I want to know.
If you can clearly spell out your issue, then you can find a solution. If you can find a solution, then you can stop being a faggot mentally if not physically. All things considered though I would love to know what is going through your head, so don't cuck me on the autopsychoanalysis.

Haha. Sure.
Are you currently browsing this site using a phone? Do you have an adblocker installed?

Yes and no. I just want to emotionally bond with you, so please respond.

the vast majority of people actually sees trans women as women, but only once (and if) they pass. proof? "she's got a penis / she's a man" comments

Alright. I hope you like reading!
So, some background. Before we get to how we interpret material facts we need to establish what the facts even are. This does not directly answer our question - are transgender women women? - but to address that one first needs to know which qualities transgender women have, since a thing's qualities determine what that thing is.

To that end, here are two short pieces I wrote about the etiology of transness. This is the first one.
Before I get the other please confirm that the image is in a format you can read on the phone.

Attached: Gender Identity Pasta 1.jpg (524x4294, 1.16M)

Thanks for the mobile friendly version, and go ahead and post the second part.

Give me more information about the relationship between being intersex and being trans. I don't deny that an intersex person will choose one of the binaries, but what in your definition would be a "transwoman"? Does that not imply transitioning from a man into a woman, hence a lack of starting from an intersex position?

>All the pills and surgeries don't alter your biology. Tampering with the endocrine system in the way that these people have done is wildly dangerous, and always results in severe side effects after some time. There is a reason why people that pruport to be transgender live short lives... The cancers, maladies, malformations and conditions resulting from trying to obtain female secondary sexual charicaristics (hormone levels) are severe and onset without warning. The male body cannot process high levels of estrogen. It simply isn't built for that.
I love how all the Any Forumstards who come up here gobbled up, and regurgitate, the exact same bizarre propaganda talking points. And don't even get them started on COVID and the vaccine.

Endocrinologist here. 100% correct take.