Would this work?

Would this work?

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Not on me

no, because rape is not perpetrated by random strangers. rapists are your friends, family, and even lovers

sounds like a great way to get trans panic'd

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The chances of them getting beaten by minorities increases lol

Sexual assault though. Not just rape.

Bruh this is a fucking myth. A rando thug shot at me & violently raped the girl I was out with a few years ago.

>another sale lost to SRS

so sad, many such cases

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You let that happen? Did you cum watching them?

>my anecdote disproves statistics

Bruh the vast majority of rapes occur between people who know each other, even before feminists redefined rape to mean "vaguely uncomfortable sexual situation".


That's not how statistics work, user

user, why did you anally rape this poor woman?
Them: In my defence I thought she was trans.

fantastic movie

>leads to a new wave of tranny hate assaults because of men who think trannies are proudly presenting their boners when its just foids trying to avoid getting raped

This is unintentionally hilarious and offensive to trans women...and rapists lol

Not that I'd ever rape someone but this is only a turn on.

it would work to turn the rape into a murder

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> imagine hiding behind bushes, in trash cans, crawling in and out manholes just to follow a cute trans girl, who proudly sports a massive bulk, ready to have your way with her and you find you have been lied to all the time

Rapists have feelings you bitch

>Avoids being raped.
>Gets killed instead.

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Now you know what it’s like to be a cis woman