I went to a bar and the lady needed to see my id so I can get a drink...

I went to a bar and the lady needed to see my id so I can get a drink. I think she's trying to find my date of birth so I point it out. She then points to my sex on the card and say "Oh found it" .

Why would she do that! I thought it was just a meme that normies can tell!

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i know it's wrong but sometimes transphobes can be pretty funny

Is that transphobia? It was weird. She was my waitress.

Did I really experience a transphobia or was it just a weird thing she did as a joke?

Tranny got epic trolled

I should probably say that I'm an adrogenous boymoder. It'd be weird if it wasn't anything other then confusion on her part. I was wearing a hoodie and had long hair thas it.

I mean… wasn’t it both?

Unless she herself was trans it was inappropriate assuming it happened as you described it. It's like making a "light" joke about someone's race the first time you meet them. It might be "in good fun" if it's between friends but at best it's overly familiar which is a form of disrespect unless this person is overly familiar with everyone on everything in which case they're probably in the wrong line of work.

I hadn't considered that... I'm sorta autistic when it comes to social interaction so I thought nothign of it and played it off.
Maybe it was transphobic then. Idk she could just be overly familiar but she's a waitress. That makes a lot more sense though.

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Or she could be a passoid with brainworms and assumed everyone who walks in insta-clocks her and she was trying to bond with you

Not likely. I think she was just being mean intentional or not. I don;t even look that girly though. I look ike a boy with small booba.

I kinda feel bad now. I think she was just being overly familiar. I imagine if she was transphobic intentionally she would try harder.

Ah now that I think about it. This one guy came up when I was leaving and shook my hand and told me to have a lovey night. What's that mean!

i think she was just trying to figure out what sex/gender you were so she could address you properly. i doubt she would make a move that aggressive ("lol haha you're a male") on a customer she's never met before

Means you're cute and look like a girl or cute and clockable twinkhon

Yeah that's what I thought! If she was trying to be mean why would she do something so passive. She seemed friendly the whoole time.

>every action against me is TRANSPHOBIA
the absolute state

what is your gender, what did you present as, what did the ID say, what does your family address you as
really need more of the puzzle to tell you

OP literally didn’t even understand it could have been a vaguely transphobic joke are you retarded

Project harder

Why do you type so cute

Gender is mtf. I boymode, id is male, family uses he/him cause I don't te em!

Huh? I type cute?

I think you malefailed

I want to do things to you. Why not me who got to do the handshake.