Gender dysphoria is just made up nonsense

Gender dysphoria is just made up nonsense.

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correct. agp is real but dysphoria is delusion

I mean I guess I can't deny some men find it sexy to crossdress.

well duh they are loonies


>tfw long time ago jerked off to the picture on the left but it wasn't gay because of the picture on the right

Attached: apu_valaistus.jpg (421x421, 20.66K)

the neurons were always feminine within


It's both mental illness

Cute twink ruined

many such cases

I still can't get over Honter's case. 0,0001% top tier twink turned into a male looking woman-identified abomination defended by gay chasers.

Attached: FKevQ5AVcAEhvMX.jpg (1125x1118, 197.55K)

>detrans pooner turns into gigaterf
Many such cases, however she passes way better than you bitterhon

Not detrans, not a pooner, not a terf and I've always shared this opinion on Honter. Stop being ableistic, get better.

Kek good taste

what's wrong with ableism?

I'm sorry but you're a terf if you think calling mtfs male identified abominations is ok. Ywnbaw lmao

>calling mtfs male identified abominations is ok
I'm calling a Honter this who is already doing the exact same to enbies and lieing they're not even using medical transition, despite herself showing off bulge and having had altered her hrt regime to be clocky on purpose.

what the hell is a honter?

Fuck you! What a absolute hypocrite piece of shit you've become...
Makes me sick desu.

quite an effective troll she is
I like how terje and boris read female, even on the internet with their emotional manipulations

I love how the exact same people, under the same breath, call me transphobic, but also make statements showing they see me as trans, and in same statements make what would be transphobic if I indeed was, but is also transphobic towards actual trans people such as Terje.