The treatment for transgenderism is massive doses of birth sex hormones

Transgender women should be imprisoned and pumped full of testosterone daily. They are destroying our fragile world with their unspeakable evil.

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how about instead of testosterone, i get pumped full of dick from a quiet shy gymbro thats usually really chill and nice, but gets violent and forceful whens hes horny

you lose

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No, testosterone, and lots of it. We are gonna make you the manliest man possible. You are gonna get SWOLE. YOU will become the gymbro.

no i need rape correction and progesterone
this will help the economy trust me

Nobody should be having sex with tranny ideology proponents. The only thing touching your body should be a large needle filled to the brim with testosterone to cure you of your mental illness.

>they are destroying our fragile world
>lets make sure they become roided as fuck

SADISTIC PERVERTS like you should be closed in rooms without door handles. You're responsible for the most of TRUE, NOT IMAGINED evil.


>roid out
>hulk smash chuds
>take estrogen

you say this but the prison guards would never be able to do it
one look at my lips and theyre throwing the T out and facefucking me daily
its just how it is...sorry...

you are an ugly hon

i'd kill myself before masculinize any further

>all these out of control horny tranners
Go on without me chudbros
I'll hold them off

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you're a fat p0lish pig so it's not like you have much to say

what's wrong with being polish?

>transphobes thinking they're a part of society
Hating trannies is like a full time job and you do it on a volunteer basis

>get access to supreme roid collection
>get job where i have access to the t
>replace it with all the roids known to man
>trannies become hulk
>new tranny world order
>as cited in line 5734578, ultra effective estrogen fused with roids in gaseous dispersal form research is completed and released into the world

>france as a country is defeated using normal food and is swallowed whole by germany
>every italian chokes on their buddies ''meatballs'' and dies gruesomely
>america finally disperses as a country
>europe, now dissolved and easy to take over is turned into a tranny state and rapidly performs biohacking research, prioritizing shapeshifting
>fast forward 20 years
>trannies become ultimate gods and invade other planets
>having maxxed out on tranny, their pure evil trannyism forces any society or life to collapse
>the universe is now all tranny
>god is reawoken, and brings everyone to the second world having been satisfied with the tranny overtake

the ends justify the means

you do it for free, like...?
no reason to be so smug