HRT brain shrinkage

Can someone explain to me how your brain shrinking 10 times the average from aging isn't bad and doesn't impact it but aging related shrinking does somehow?
Also is prog needed for healthier brain for trannies?

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I wish I had a smaller brain, my head is so fucking big. My IQ is just below 150 and my head is pumpkin size.

changes towards opposite sex (meaning its not shrinking smaller than a cis womans)
doesn't affect cognitive function
how is it bad

>doesn't affect cognitive function
how does 10 times the shrinkage from aging not impact cognitive function but 10 times less that shrinkage from aging does?

i dunno probably different areas
isnt aging brain like grey matter shrinking
but like it says at the bottom it doesnt affect it so idk

the study actually says gray matter shrinks so.....................

idk im stupid lol it was just my wrong guess
the bottom says they tested cognitive function and there was no difference so why are you so worried?

because it's only one study and studies don't mean shit these days cos replication crisis so it's an unknown that i'm REALLY uncomfortable with

so youre only doubting the part of the study that would make things bad for you?
thats stupid

no, are you dumber than im worried i am?

Every other tranny who posts here says their brainpower stayed the same or got better from HRT so in the absence of other data I‘m fine chalking this one up to being one out of 20 studies that we allow to be junk

Really because I've seen lots of threads the past month saying they got dumber?

how is it an unknown? why do you doubt the study lol

>how is it an unknown
because a handful of studies doesn't really fucking mean much in the long term? especially when this is the only half decent one and it still managed to not actually test IQ?
do you not understand how huge of a concern that uncertainty over potential for negative cognitive effects is?

brain shrinkage in this case has no relation to cognitive function. and its limited to the inferior parietal lobule.

we also just dont understand brains all that well. so who knows rrally

Is prog necessary with mtf hrt for better brain function?

News to me
Unironically maybe a survey of tttters would be helpful

>your brain just decides to start shrinking and now you get to be depressed and have executive dysfunction forever
this shit is the ultimate blackpill

Attached: Screenshot_20220902-123016_Chrome.jpg (1440x1169, 302.99K)

so i should stop hrt huh? fuck

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A lot of the shrinking is because you lose muscle mass and muscle mass is managed by neurons in your brain, so when you lose that you don't actually need those neurons controlling muscle anymore. Brain size/mass does not mean you're smarter/dummer bc not all brain areas are relates to cognition. That thing is managing all of your body and functions and parts, not only cognition.

Ok but what about my fucking hippocampus shirnking I fucking need that for thinking and functioning dsifhoisdjf

i feel like this is FUD
i also feel like you would very much not survive what would happen if i decided to "embrace being male"

tf dopes fud mean

The OP image literally says there was no influence on general intelligence.

One study isn't enough proof to put the anxieties of many of us at rest.

Pretty sure that’s the same study talking about reduced brain size. Actually fucking read the OP image instead of drawing superficial conclusions.