You ever notice how the "pooner" isn't what an actual no-effort ftm would look like...

you ever notice how the "pooner" isn't what an actual no-effort ftm would look like, because an actual unpassing ftm without hormones would just be a girl with short hair in jeans, a "tomboy"/"afab femboy", and that wouldn't work as an insulting caricature because everyone loves those, so they invent this absurd little gremlin whose main characteristics (baldness and beady eyes) are androgenic in nature

strange huh. i wonder if there is a pattern here

i wonder if male homosexual intercourse being mostly so repulsive to people that it makes them want to murder the men who perform it, but the same being mostly untrue of female homosexual intercourse is part of this pattern

it's a good thing patterns don't exist and it's impossible to make inferences based on things that happen or else you might be able to draw some kind of larger conclusion about what people like. and then if you concluded that they hated something, but kept trying to force it on people anyway, you might inquire as to the meaning of this discrepancy

Attached: DiddyKong.jpg (210x240, 15.06K)

Im not reading all that. Happy for you tho. Or sorry that happened.

Pooners aren’t a caricature of no-effort FTMs, they’re a caricature of non passing FTMs
A bunch of them have too surgery scars or bad facial hair, they are the FTM version of hons
Not sure what the rest of your point is though you seem schizo

it's cool how being illiterate on the internet is no longer low-status and there's no social cost to posting about how you are incapable of participating in a discussion, in the actual discussion you are incapable of participating in

Write something good if u want people to read it

Why do you talk like the twitter account of someone who listens to ChapoTrapHouse bro

re you just tryna say people think men are ugly

what is a pooner even meant to be besides something to look insulting

It’s meant to be

it kinda sucks

a "non passing" ftm would definitionally be a ftm that looks like a woman

yet the caricature that is supposed to be of "non passing ftms" does not look like a woman, it looks like a pink golliwog whose significant traits are things you get from testosterone exposure
and the thing that does look like a "non passing ftm", i.e. a woman, is not used as an example of why troon bad, but is instead waifued

that is certainly a conclusion someone could draw from the available evidence. but then you'd have to ask yourself why, if people think men are ugly, they are willing to move heaven and earth to force you to be one

>a "non passing" ftm would definitionally be a ftm that looks like a woman
You have autism.
…I couldn’t find a good example of a non passing trans guy who just looks like a fat girl with bad facial hair and I got really distracted by picrel because holy shit this guy looks cis but he apparently gave birth to a kid? He’s really hot

Attached: E6CA98DE-6621-43E8-BE7A-6C2EE28130F2.jpg (615x786, 75.87K)

believing that words mean things is autism

Non passing trans women don’t always look like men, sometimes they just look uncanny
Sometimes they look like men in dresses
Non passing trans men don’t always look like women, sometimes they just look uncanny
Sometimes they look like women with shaved heads and fake or sparse beards

the "pooner" isnt meant to represent a no-effort ftm

its meant to represent someone who put in the effort, got surgeries,, and looks like shit

yet the ones who merely look uncanny are not used as evidence of why troon bad

and what does looking "like shit" entail. what are the traits that something which looks like shit has. is there perhaps a category to which these traits might be said to belong

its certainly not "male" traits, as these are often juxtaposed to a traditional male

The traditional male being the desirable, well looking, individual in these memes relating to pooners

also if you're going to react angrily to this and call anyone who notices it a schizo faggot you're really just giving away that you know exactly what they're talking about

the ridicule is that its a crude mockery of masculinity. losing the aesthetic benefits of femininity, while not achieving the aesthetic benefits of masculinity

there are no "aesthetic benefits of masculinity". the "gigachad exists therefore people are not disgusted by men" argument is retarded because the sentiment available to gigachad is not the sentiment available to cute girly things

but they arent compared to giga-chads, literally just average men.

also the lack of "aesthetic benefits of masculinity" would need to be proven in some way separate from your broader point, as the means you used to demonstrate this lack of benefit is the thing being challenged
