Do you think more trans women would get SRS if they were guaranteed to have a successful surgery without any...

Do you think more trans women would get SRS if they were guaranteed to have a successful surgery without any complications?

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>Would more people do XYZ if it was better?
Most likely, yes.

is that sienna grace? she looks like shit

Edgy reply, but the decision to do SRS has more to do than just doing it because it's better. You're doing an irreversible procedure to your genitals.

damn michael cera's been through some shit

Attached: michael-cera.jpg (1200x630, 93.17K)

If I was guaranteed no complications and full sexual function I wouldn't even think twice. I could care less if I lose my dick, it has zero use to me.

soon as those eye wrinkles appear I can't think anything other than Old Candy. Yuck.

Can’t have posterior commisure if you were circumcised.

Yes, 100%

yes. i also think more would get srs if they had a realistic sense of how rare severe complications already are and phobes didn’t spread deranged propaganda against it.

Maybe? I wouldn't get it because it still wouldn't give me a functioning womb and ovaries, just a neovag is pointless to me. Like, when I think about not being able to get pregnant and give birth to the kids of my man, I feel like shit, it's a very dysphoria inducing topic. But I legit feel better thanks to being so different down there from cis women, like it never meant to be, I was just different. But if I had a vag it'd be vastly more difficult for me to cope. Like, I tried to change it, but it still wasn't good enough, that I was not good enough, that I ultimately failed, that it's completely unsalvageable.

a shame what happened to her, a damn shame.

Yes, but not that many more, because half the trannies that complain about srs quality are using that as cover for liking their dicks and being fake

No SRS is gross

I think 75%. I hear a lot of good but I hear way too many horror stories

Lol wut?

Yes, absolutely. Fear of surgery (in general) is what's stopping me.

jfc is that who i think it is? shes nearly unrecognizable
bit of an inspo to me when i was younger and continues to be by showing me the tech just isnt fkn there lmao ill keep the shenis

if I could avoid the painful, intense recovery I would

the idea of being pent up at home for 2-3 months with a dilator in me 4 hours a day sounds like a nightmare

prob gonna do it anyway though

it’s really really tough but it’s temporary. i honestly don’t even think about it now, having a pussy is just my normal day to day.
then you should do real research instead of making medical decisions based on twitter trolls