Why not just settle for being a femboy...

Why not just settle for being a femboy? Literally no different than being a trans woman with none of the surgeries and medication and permanent changes you might later regret

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>that image
bipedo moment

because what happens when you turn 30 you bipedo retard

Yeah you're right they look like they are 10 years old you have to have a full beard and body hair and rough skin and wrinkles other wise you are a child

>none of the permanent changes
why would i want to a balding man when i get older

you can't maintain it as your age without hormones in some surgery

or 25
or 20
or like 15 even if you're really unlucky

bipedos don't care about that part, they just discard their partners once they aren't underage anymore and find new ones

whats so wrong about taking hrt?
>prevents/reverses hair loss
>prevents regrowth of facial hair
>lessens body hair
>fatter ass and thighs
>slimmer waist
>cuter dick

all trannies are HRT femboys.

There is no such thing as 'fully transitioned'. Even after all the available surgeries and hormones a person's natal sex is unchanged.

Now listen here pal, if you're a tranny that claims to still be a boy or just self declares as a trap i'm calling extremely based and wish to be your friend
however if you call yourself a femboy i'm running fucking as far away from you as i possibly can

>none of the surgeries and medication
because unless you naturally look like that, you can't just decide to be a femboy. 99% of males will never look feminine without estrogen and surgeries, and even if you do you'll lose it by 30, most likely before.
You might have a better point if you suggested being an hrt femboy, but everyone knows that's just a tranny cope.

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I did. Its keeno. I can still man up and get women too lol
I got lucky. im well past 30 and still get carded all the time. I have a babyface. I only have to shave once a week.


I imagine every bipedo poster looking like this wojak

>nooo aaah estrogen literally does nothing, women and men look different for no reason at all

femboy is age dependent
you will not look cute in your mid 30s

Why identify as a woman, why not settle for being a feminine man?

Attached: femboy.jpg (624x540, 112.17K)

you don't understand how gender dysphoria actually works do you

Neither do fucking cis women. Transitioning isn't a fucking fountain of youth nobody looks cute in their 30s

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i think i saw a reddit post where it was a side by side "i used to be a femboy when i was younger now look at me" and he just looks sad