/ftmg/ FPH edition

Q: bully me for being a fatass
Q2: what's your favorite salad?


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154 lbs this morning pls kill me

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I like my bitches thicc

Keep up the good work for daddy

I love em thiccc

Mmmmm huge asses mmmm pull it apart for me


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How do i stop falling in love with cis girls? I just want one thing that I’ll never have bros


detrans and romance yourself

Do the gender opposite of this

>Can't stop falling in love with cis guys who are straight
>They all turn me down (I pass)
>Decide to never fall in love again
>Doesn't work, still fall in love with cis guys and embarrassing myself with my confessions
>Quite literally go on twitch to window-shop for hot guys that live far away from me
>Park myself on the hottest, best personality, best interest matching guy I can find
>Naturally fall in love hard after a few weeks of watching
>4 years straight of no longer embarrassing myself by falling in love with straight cis men and maintaining healthy relationships with people who are supposed to be friends

Only problem was that eventually I started making life goals and actively trying to find ways to meet him and try to be something more than a viewer, and when I found out he finally got a girlfriend, I got so upset I almost committed suicide and still can't watch his content, leading back to falling in love with my male friends

>Inb4 What the fuck?
Reason: childhood trauma and parental abandonment/parental indifference, have attachment issues, at least I am aware I have these issues and try to make sure I don't force them on real people.

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Thats sick

>trans tape

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Trans taped
You really are a woman

>Can't stop falling in love with cis guys who are straight
>They all turn me down (I pass)
>Decide to never fall in love again
>Doesn't work, still fall in love with cis guys and embarrassing myself with my confessions
wow he's literally me
except i never bothered confessing and just play gay chicken as much as i can get away with

Who originally first groomed you into thinking you were male, yes television counts too not just IRL people

I thank god and testosterone every single day for making me not a gayden
The internet told me to enbycope, so I did, and then one day I was like “this fucking sucks and I want to have a flat chest and deep voice”

Am I cute?

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My insatiable lust to dick down your mom…

ur such a queen cersei

I love thinking about pulling back the foreskin of my tdick and clamping down on it right at the base of the top side with fingernail clippers