Why do tranners hate chasers? All we do is love you

Why do tranners hate chasers? All we do is love you

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I don't hate all chasers but 90% of you become transbians

How do you know this?

Seething transbians are very vocal about it, that's all

I know how you feel user. I just want a cute t-gf to share my love with but whenever I hook up with women they never end up having gock :(

The only ones I like are the ones that become transbians. The more gay they are the nicer it is!

>I don't hate all chasers but 90% of you become transbians
I'm a chaser and I fear I'm going to become a transbian

I love gock

Just don't call yourself a chaser. Solves 99% of your problems unless you're legitimately a chaser worthy of hate, like this fag

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It would be cool to be a girl and hot and live life on easy mode but I will never become a transbian because I am a super tall and fat and too lazy to do all the work and I'm not stupid enough to maintain whatever delusion necessary to even attempt transition.
Also I don't want to be penetrated by the girlcock. I will suck it but I also understand it will not get hard because of estrogen, and that fact is a specific kink for me. I think soft dicks are nicer and fun to play with.
I will behave like the average neurotic Any Forums autistic male with no performative bullshit because I have no patience for it.

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cuz you keep making the same posts over and over and completely ignore what we tell you every time

there's nothing wrong with loving a tranny but the people I call chasers do not love trannies they fetischize us

I literally just want a normal live with a normal relationship but what do chasers do they treat me like a sex object and only that and worse chasers fetishize the parts about me that i hate the most so not only do chasers keep making me dysphoric the chances are high that if i ever manage to change those parts to be not dysphoria inducing anymore any true chaser in question will leave me as I'm not interesting to him anymore as he wasn't interested in me as a person and only as a way to fulfill a fetish

its not love to make someone constantly suffer for your own enjoyment thats an obsession at best so if you only want to be with a tranny cuz you really want girlcock or cuz you like the clocky look or cuz you think "I'm the best from both worlds" then you aren't interested in me as a person and complete package so you're inevitably going to end up hurting me

to give an example: lets say i'd start dating you but only cuz you have a feature that you think disfigures you (scars, skin discoloration, amputated limb or whatever, something that causes you discomfort and which you do not want to be reminded of) and constantly keep drawing attention to it that would be pretty fucked up for your psyche

trannies want to be loved but what true chasers do isn't loving us

if you actually treat a tranny as a full human being and not like a living fleshlight with a dick dongle then you're not a chaser

if you do not want an actual relationship why try starting one with a tranny

just get a hooker at that point and save those of us who want a normal relationship the pain

Everyone fetishizes their partner, and the only reason cis women like it and you don't is your mental illness. Not the tranny one, the other one. Get over yourself. You will never be happy until you stop being so selfish. By selfish I don't mean twirling your Snidely Whiplash mustache as you eat the last cookie that was your sibling's favorite flavor. I mean you literally can't think of anything but yourself. You don't want to love someone, you can only obsess over BEING loved, and it very likely makes you an unlovable asshole who never gives and only takes. You want some magical superhuman who is so completely selfless that no ridiculous demand from you is too much, while they receive nothing in return except you living in their home and eating their food. Functional human beings reach compromises and don't have breakdowns when their genitals are touched during FUCKING SEX.

isnt it weird and pathetic and gross how chasers use other trannies for free therapy like its so sad and dishonest

i love u user. imma chaser chaser fuck me plz

>Why won't le tranniez sacrifice & hurt themselves to make my chode hard!?!? :(

and no dumbass, cis women do not like being fetishized they complain about porn addicts & coomers like you sexualizing everything they do all the fucking time.

The only reason you're even here is because you're such a creep that not even the lowest cis woman could stand to listen to you for more than 5 seconds

Women fucking love being fetishized by attractive to regular men. They only hate it from fat nerds.

>t. khhv

also why the fuck are you whining about trannies having boundaries in bed, creep.

Sorry real life trans women don't act like the femboys in all the gay porn you watch, maybe you should've just fucking googled the definition of gender dysphoria instead of bitching so much idiot.

you sound like a reasonable human being who has healthy perceptions of and relationships with the women in their life :^)

you should be a marriage counselor with advice like that, wowee

Hey OP, this is why trannies hate chasers

i mean, most people who hate chasers too much are just some kind of transbians who try to mirror radfems and hate every man just for the sake of their existence
but at the same time i kinda get the logic of it, like many chasers are literally just fetishists who treat you not like a human being but like a fetishist meme. but at the same time, is it wrong to want to have a trans gf? no i dont think so, i think it's a valid preference
i think there is nothing wrong in being an gamp, or whatever it's called nowdays, and having a preference, just treat other person with respect and as an actual parther, and i don't think there is an issue

Because you keep messaging me and when I threadcrumb you because I’m too awkward to tell you to gtfo, you stay friends with me, and then eventually, you become a fucking polyshit transbian and I feel obligated to help you poor retards not make fools of yourselves.