Why is there like no good detrans community

why is there like no good detrans community

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because that's transphobic


not really
because transphobes ruin them

yeah but on the other side you have non transphobic communities who are just filled with "questioning" trans people

the same reason there is no good trans community, its made of mentally ill retards in varying stages of psychosis.

well it's a bit hard to make a community of detrans because questioning trans people and people who didn't transition want to join there too for some reason

god damn ure right
i meant more tho how every detrans community is just filled with reppers who complain about their dysphoria every day and "desisters"

id imagine its because they all feel like they got tricked and are basically just bonding over shared trauma, not dissimilar to the people here who complain about youngshits rather than actually work on themselves.

yeah but its just constant "i wish i was a woman... but i cant" type shit

how do you even call yourself a detranser at that point

yeah i cant really explain that shit, it doesnt make a whole lot of sense. i can *guess* that they just want to complain but not be coddled by people telling them to transition. people dont make sense sometimes, and when you get a community of people who share a condition or desire they feel is unable to be resolved, you're going to get a lot of conflicting and frankly irrational behavior. often times its best to just leave these people alone, or if you have the energy for it, help individuals who want to be helped.
i guess the real question here is why are you looking into these communities in the first place?

Its like 10 people

Fat middle aged lesbians or trans women ruin literally all of them.
>because transphobes ruin them
This. I had a 6 month CoinTelPro using like 30 alts against r/detrans during covid out of sheer boredom. Managed the purge the TERFs but it's still a hole.

>the same reason there is no good trans community, its made of mentally ill retards in varying stages of psychosis.
This. Get therapy for cPTSD.

idk. r/detrans is the biggest one and its mostly just cis women who never transitioned.

Non-detransitioners have been banned from posting for a couple of years after some "problem accounts" almost brought the ban hammer down on the sub.
You're welcome.

>I had a 6 month CoinTelPro using like 30 alts against r/detrans
holy shit that was you?? the head moderator went fkn insane because of you lmfao

no they havent been lmao

Because very few people are trans. And a small percentage of those is detrans.
So you're looking at a very small potential userbase.

Many of those are fake detransers.
The rest it's either trannies who had to detrans and so are even more broken than trannies here or the few who transitioned without being trans who are probably the most deranged of all

I left the treatment for a year to freeze sperm, my boyfriend left the treatment at the same time as me to freeze ovules, we both stopped for 1 year, and now we have been in treatment for 2 years again, we are young, we are 25, but we did not want to lose the hope of having biological children in the future, one never knows what can happen in 10 years, it is better than taking away opportunities.

Because of AFABs
If there was a detrans community just for AMABs then it would be way better, women always make such a fucking big whoop about everything