Do you ever wish you were terminally ill?

Do you ever wish you were terminally ill?

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Wishing you were terminally ill is pathetic. You already have a choice of when to die. Just kill yourself whenever you want and stop being a coward.

Hence why I'm trans

idk it might motivate me to do something with the time i had left.

If you have gender dysphoria, you are.

>idk it might
I doubt it too, you have had so many chances and see where you ended up.

Yeah but people are okay with it if you were gonna die soon in a worse way regardless

its weird i have anxiety stemming from a pathological avoidance of feeling bad. i might choose to just not be alive anymore given the choice. but any real path towards that is currently unthinkable

i remember wishing to have a psychotic break when my parents were divorcing. i wasn't given any break whatsoever and am still reeling

but no. its very easy to make yourself MORE miserable. you're not getting back at anybody. it is not revenge. you are making yourself suffer more for NO reason

I am very close to taking a massive venlafaxine overdose right now. Whatever does kill me can only make me stronger, right Anons?

don't do it user.

u might get punished in the afterlife for throwing your life away desu

i day dream about is kinda often. like a doctor telling me about it and being surprised that i seem really relieved and not freaking out. And then when I sui it would be understood that I was dying anyway

dont do it

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You're all mentally ill

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too pussy to kms
bein terminally ill would be comforting

I have brain damage though which makes me so mentally and executively impaired that I don't know how to kill myself. I would if I knew how to but I literally don't

My brain connected dots today and I am considering disappearing forever

Only all the time! After reading about NDEs I just can't wait to fucking go and leave this shithole planet behind. You need to accept that life is just a dream, or rather a nightmare. I was after understanding this argument as it is an extremely persuasive argument for why near-death experiences (NDEs) are real:

It makes a huge deal about the fact that near-death experiencers (NDErs) are representative of the population as a whole, and that when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:

>"Statistics collected ... show that the "deeper" the NDE ... the greater the percentage of those who come away certain of the existence of the afterlife. Among those with the deepest experiences ... 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. And so would you, me, or anyone, including the most dogmatic atheists and skeptics, because it is VASTLY more self-evidently real than this puny little experience of life on Earth we have now. When you dream and wake up, you immediately realize that life is more real than your dream. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep, deep dream and the NDE world is the real world.

So unlike the bible that you desperately have to want to be convinced by to stand the slightest chance of being convinced by it, this book will convince you whether you want it to or not.

So if I get a terminal disease know, I will be literally fucking SCREAMING with joy and exuberance! Can't wait.

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