Why are chaser bottoms like me so hated :(

why are chaser bottoms like me so hated :(

its not my fault my tranner gf MADE me a bottom... why do i have to be hated for it
i didnt do anything wrong :(

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Either man up and stop fucking complaining or transition. How hard is that

i dont want to top just leave me alone

How did she make you a bottom? Please, go into more detail.

when we first started flirting at the start of our relationship I was more of a top then

It started out like "oh haha shorty" "you'd need a step ladder to kiss me" "i can literally pick you up baka"
Truth be told, I was a bottom turned switch before I met her but at that time I was bi and didn't really have an interest in transgirls. Then one night we're flirting as usual and she sends a pic of her bed,
im like "damn I'd love to be dragged into that!"
and she replies "what if i drag you in it on a leash?"
and well.. it did bring back the bottom out in me (i know so evil of me to do so) and ever since then she's been holding her place as the top.

though thankfully our relationship IS alot less sexual and alot more romantic and lovey :)

I don't want to be a girl?

ok bye then

All bottoms are women


based relationship

other people seem to hate it..

nobody hate us, stop crying like a bitch

then explain the 30000 billion threads of brainwormers going "reminder that chasers are yucky!!!!!"

most chasers are yucky desu. but there are some good ones. sadly its in my experience its only like 1/10 chasers that are alright.

Aynon I love you, you're a peculiar poster.

>taking anything from this dumpster fire of a website seriously
go outside

thank you :D i love you too user i hope you're doing ok

i just got off work i am not going back outside!!!!!!!!!

i hope you find a good one, if you are looking for one that is.

>i just got off work i am not going back outside!!!!!!!!!
you will go back outside and find a good patch of grass to touch, you need it

>i hope you're doing ok
Eh, pretty exhausted. Going to try and sneak a nap into my day soon. Hope you're doing well too. Would give you a big old hug and kiss on the forehead.

im currently not looking for a cis bf. im bi and ive thought abt going t4t since my last bf raped me and im kinda scared of cis men now >:

Holy shit that's awful, I'm so sorry user. I really hope your next partner treats you way better

yeah :/ im done with dating until im at a point were im comfortable enough on my transition desu. ill mostly just focus on myself for now, but i doubt ill get over my fear of cis men(i was always scared of everyone anyways, but now my fear towards men is even bigger lol) >:

You're hated because you're a woman in men's clothes, and nobody likes that. Submissiveness is not a masculine trait.

It's probably best to focus on yourself, yeah. I'd say get some therapy for your fear/trauma if you can, it might help you out. Speaking as a cis man, I really really hope that everything works out well for you. I sort of know what that's like because I had a crippling fear of cis women up until a few years ago. It does get better eventually, it's just a very slow process.

>aynon still hasn't taken her pills

im too poor to afford therapy and i was honestly hoping to get a rich bf who would take care of me financially but im too mentally ill to date rn and i doubt i will ever be able to get with a cis guy. so fuck it, ill deal with everything by myself for now. i do wish i could find a partner though. ur a good person anyon, ur my fave chaser. sucks tht if i saw u irl id probably be afraid of u. :v

Oh I'm not anyon, I'm just a random user. But hey, I'm sure you'll find someone lovely to date soon enough. Maybe they'll even help you through your trauma. I wish you the best, fellow user.