Does anybody know if there's any way of getting jaw reduction that doesn't involve intubation...

Does anybody know if there's any way of getting jaw reduction that doesn't involve intubation? Because I can't find anything on the topic I don't know how to figure out which surgeons to consult with. All of this assuming I can raise £10,000+ by crowdfunding of course because I'm a no good braindead palsy hick freak with no USP. I have bad enough asthma it's clear intubation would be a bad idea, I've had bronchspasms just from swimming before.

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Are you sure you can't be intubated like they can put you on some very heavy and specific anesthesia that avoids all sorts of involuntary spasms and any Alf decent anesthesiologist worth there sort should know how to deal with that

Fucking phone posting spelling

Um yeah but are you sure the anethasist can't sort it out?

do you just want to look uncanny like aussiehon?
just detransition, it's not going to work with that skull

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What is gender dysphoria
Hur just detrans and look more masculine that will help :)

We can't all be youngshit passoids get fucking bent bro

How many layers of brainrot are you on you look cute from that angle.
Strong jaws aren't ugly.

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I have a jaw that's relatively longer where your fingers are
Feels bad

>What is gender dysphoria
a lie

it's the head-on view that's the problem, my jaw is just too fucking thick along the bottom edge near the back for how vermine and extruded my features are, you need a flat face and/or small facial planes + short midface to get away with a square jaw

wait till you learn it doesnt even matter if you're a youngshit it's literally 90% genetics as is fucking everything else in life. If you're dumb its genetics if you're ugly its genetics, there is no getting around this; nurture accounts for like 5% at most.

It'd be cool if we could swap bodies with all the failed male manlet chinlet incels, and give them out gorilla bodies in return.

Yeah sure we just lying about this shit transitioning with little to no chance of passing and getting hated by the majority of society alienating a bunch of friends and family vastly decreasing our dating prospects and career opportunities spending multiple thousands on surgeries just cause we thought it was a good alternative lifestyle choice

Are you fucking insane? No one would do this shit without having an extremely high chance of passing before hand and/or severe gender dysphoria. What the fuck makes you think anyone would choose to live like that?

you are lying and I wish you would outright admit it so we can stop you and ban gender transition once and for all
you are a monster trying to sterilize kids and we will stop you

sorry anonette


bronchospasms have like 90% fatality rate if they occur during intubation / removal as it turns out, so even a small increase in the chance compared to a normal person would be pretty bad, and given I've had bronchospasms before & burst capillaries in my lungs so I was coughing up specks of blood just from doing lengths in my uni's pool that seems to be at the more hardcore end of likelihood for that, the reason I don't have definite answers yet is idk if I'm allowed to crowdfund for surgery on ESA and if I ring the welfare people to ask then it might remind them I exist and get me landed in reassessment during what is set to become the worst cost of living crisis in the UK in living memory, so I really need to wait until I get called up again naturally
then after that I can try again at opening a crowdfunder & see how I get on before booking a preliminary consultation with FacialTeam since they're the obvious choice, but also say very clearly on their site all their jaw work takes place under general anaesthesia, so if they don't think I can get intubated general anaesthesia safely with my various health problems that's straight out, I've got an open mind towards getting different procedures done by non-trans-specific surgeons if they're better attuned to people with my health issues, like there's this guy called Riaz up north who does facelifts specifically on people with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome under local anaesthesia, and I think my dorsal hump might be minor enough I can get it rasped down without full rhinoplasty under local as well, but I've not found anything on getting the rear of the jaw done like my OP pic without intubation let alone without general, except for 1 article out of Korea where the surgeons are mostly deregulated butchers anyway

honestly you just deserve to suffer for hurting people and I would you would stop

wish you would*

I guess I don't have head-on for reference and I won't just assume you've got dysmorphia, but you look nice from there.

Bruh the fuck would I lie for I'm mentally fucked from dysphoria wich is a mental ilness hence I'm transitioning it's a free country I can take whatever hormones I want as a consenting adult.

I understand the argument for minors but who cares what adults do your an adult who gives a shit about banning transition unless you are one of those complete moral fans who wants to ban drinking, smoking, tattoos all forms of degeneracy and mandate by law everyone be good little christians I don't understand your argument for banning transition for adults

Right wingers be like I love freedom as long as it's in the Bible otherwise you aren't free to do shit.

because admitting the truth would make you look bad
just stop trying to sterilize kids jesus fuck dude

Damn that's crazy high fatality rate I don't think they could do a surgery as invasive as that under local anesthetia there shaving down bone. I'm guessing your best get would be to find a specialist who would do such a thing but I would also look into the opposite end and try to find a good anethasist who deals specializes in respiratory issues.

Anyway good luck but my gut feeling is your going to have better luck finding a a way to be put under without the risk of a spasm yeeting you then you are finding a surgeon that's willing to operate under local.

it's quite bad

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I don't give a shit about kids retard

fuck pass a law that says I'm not allowed to look at a child mention children ever again be allowed within 5km of children or ever even think of a child again or face the death penalty if I won't to transition and I won't give a fuck

stay positive robin

I also have brain damage since I was born so general anaesthesia may have a higher risk of triggering early cognitive decline and that sort of shit, whereas I've had local a bunch of times for other stuff already with no problem

>I don't give a shit about kids retard
>I just hand them flyers about how to illegally obtain drugs that can make their bodies become sexier for men to fuck
you want to sexualize kids
we just want you off hrt, that's all


You make no fucking sense dude jumping to these conclusions you seem to be the one obsessed with children it's fucking creepy get help

Did you suffer a traumatic head injury as a child?
Do you wear a tin foil hat inside so global homo can't read your brainwaves?
Do you go into a blind autistic rage whenever you see a person that might be a tranny or a homesexual?

I garuntee you have never interacted or probably even looked at for more the 5 minutes any kind of tranny in your entire life your just obsessed to the point of obsurdity and apparent cognitive impairment about a group of people that have literal zero impact on your life.

Please get help

idk i just think you are a good person, i want you to find happiness. i guess it means nothing... some of us are just born to suffer. But I think you are good and hope it gets better for you. :(

personally I want kids to have access to HRT, yes. Because me and every other trans person I know wishes we had it when we were teens and our lives would be better if we had it and were stealth passoids. I know you have zero empathy and I'm replying to a chud but... kids really should have HRT! People should get the puberty they want, no matter what some backwards hateful people think. Maybe the world can be a better, more loving place where bullies try to force people to live how they want for no reason. It has nothing to do with sex or pedophilia or all this gross stuff. It's simple, people just want to be cute and attractive and it's not fair because 99% of the reason we get hatred is because we are ugly. T_T

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and the purpose of them taking hrt is to sexualize their bodies so men will want to fuck them
you want to sexualize kids
that's why people are trying to get hrt banned