/ftmg/ bitches edition

>QOTT: Do you get bitches? If so tell us liddle pooner.



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yes i have a fiancee who i love very much

she's a cis girl who i got with 3 years ago when i was still closeted, and she's been with me every step of my transition and says she's so excited to have me as her husband

i wish i could start a family with her

I just sucked my partner's dick while we fucked our girlfriend

>trans tape

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I hate that this is starting to make me laugh, tape user are you okay?

>the psyop is working

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Do you think i can use trans tape to hold up my fat ass

Why are you so small? Cis women are actually taller than most of you. Why are you so short?

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Too much prenatal testosterone compresses your spine or something like that

this is why tall men bcome trannies while short men become bodybuilers

Because I want to rest my face on my gfs chest without bending over

>Because I want to rest my face on my gfs chest

You don't have one

Skill issue


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Skill issue

Just got out of my trans female friends birthday party
How clocky is my voice.
I have two wonderful long term partners and I'm also into casual sex and having fwbs.

>promise self 1000 calories maximum today between 2 and 6 pm
>make Elliot and Taylor dinner around 8pm, just some rice dish
>it looks and smells really fucking good because of the add-ins
>end up eating a whole bowl and a half of it
>feel like a bloated hog afterward

brb killing myself

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hey any of yall want meatballs
this isn't a sex thing I'm making homemade meatballs tonight so I can make a homemade meatball sub with my homemade arrabbiata sauce and then I'll have extra meatballs for this week if/when I wanna make pasta

I hope you're okay dude. Please eat a sustainable amount.

>Do you get bitches?
yes i get bitches. im not ftm tho

I keep getting intrusive thoughts about slicing my face up to distract from my clocky eyes.
I also get thoughts about stabbing my throat bc maybe being mute is better than having a clocky voice
And I often want to kill myself because I look like a pooner and everything people told me about never being a real man is true.
You guys relate, right?

No, I pass.

>clocky eyes
Get infraorbital rim inplants

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No I'm not ok

Elliot wears all my favorite clothes. I fit into nothing but basketball shorts, sweatpants, and my dad's old tshirts. I can't stand looking at him and I can't stand looking at myself. It makes me want to die

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