Meme AGP

meme AGP
>usually just Masochistic Effeminization Fetishists
>no dysphoria until adulthood
>most hons, anime girl fashion sense
>obese, balding
>weird BDSM shit
>previous sex pest controversies
>fetishize being fucked by black men
>almost never on HRT, or if so only used to get off
seriously MEF is a much better description
>the exclusive users of sissy hypno

Actual AGP
>dysphoria from a young age, usually doesn't recognize it due to not being familiar with LGBT culture
>almost never masterbates, and if so, only like in an unusual way like prone
>nerdy mamas boy stereotype; Shinji Ikari is prime example
>can be straight or gay, but only if the other person asks them out
>almost exclusively bottoms, service top at most
>sometimes has gay face, but usually just looks like nerdy guy
>almost never gets into a comphet marriage

the vast majority of hons and infamous "transwomen" are just MEF men, real AGPs are way too timid to do anything but wistfully pine for a better life

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This seems pretty accurate.

Make an AAP version of picrel

i hate being around groups of men so much, the comp sports one really resonates

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My appearance wasn't unkempt but boy did I prefer baggy clothes when first hitting puberty

i also did crossdress but it never felt like crossdressing? if that makes any sense

I tried hypermasculinity for a year when I got bullied at a school too much but it didn't work
Who could have guessed

I never had any problems with watching girly cartoons so I never did it in secret

I don't know how I first masturbated but it could have been unorthodox considering how I usually do it nowadays

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Cis male btw.

Small Xs mean that square only kind of applies or applies weakly.

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why not, i like bingo

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AGP is a fetish and I'm sick of pretending its not


I think the age at which you first discover your AGP, whether you were capable of masturbation without AGP and the age at which you first realised you wanted to be a girl is important
Anyway I think I'm true AGP but I'm fake trans, been on HRT for a long time

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I just like to crossdress and I think that's good enough for me. Easier to call myself AGP than "30-year old fetishistic crossdresser"

me btw

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/tttt/, please tell me, is there anything wrong in being AGP? I want to stop hating myself

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You were born with AGP and there's nothing you did wrong

Thanks for this post user! As a late 30s AGP repper I feel like you helped but some things into perspective. I feel very different from younger Reddit hons and I couldn’t figure out why. I just thought it was because of my age and political beliefs.

I fit the actual AGP category in a lot of ways. I did learn how to masturbate through molestation from a sibling. Would of loved to have discovered prone and go my own pace. I’m legit AGP but I picked up some MEF eroticism along the way. Sissy hypno I’ve shyed away from. It comes off as cringe and porny.

>can be straight or gay, but only if the other person asks them out
I can relate to this. Always too beta to hit on girls but this downlow gay boy in high school once invited me over and we did some gay stuff. I enjoyed it despite being strongly gynephilic but I had a deep sense of Christian guilt at the time so I had to break it off. I’ve rarely had sex otherwise and when it did happen it happened with girls from then but it was rare. I have a lot of hangups about sex these days anyways.

>this downlow gay boy in high school once invited me over and we did some gay stuff
I would literally have murdered to experience this. I hope you crossdressed for the gay stuff.

it feels wrong, gross, and not valid. Like I should get just get over it already, accept myself, and live, yet it never goes away.

It was 1999 so there was no crossdressing allowed back then. Though I deeply wanted to.

What if you’ve never masturbated?

Oh, I don't believe that anymore than you were born with homosexuality. You were born with a lack of androgen hormones in the utero and the feminization of the brain is due to it being not masculized as much as most males.
Whether you turn out to be AGP or hsts or homosexual it all depends on the mix of these factors and your interaction, object relations, in early childhood and latency

If you're a feminine boy you're going to develop more of an attraction towards stronger bodies at puberty. If you manage to develop more of affinity for being masculine, you're more likely to develop an attraction to girls, but with curious feminine bent where you express yourself sexually a feminine way, usually adolescent cross-dressing.

AGP is a more masculine orientation the hsts, or homosexuality. However, is related to the same feminine brain condition*. Such males are able to become more homosexual by expressing their feelings and can develop as gay men or as homosexual transsexuals, or they can develop along the lines of transvestites or AGP transsexuals depending on their social orientation.

There actually is some scientific evidence for this. I remember hearing about “anomalous males” from a book by a man named Leonard Sax. This man claimed that many “nerdy” boys including himself had an intersex condition. He himself was an opponent of the transgender movement in most cases.

Holy fuck user your saying as an AGP I’m part of the same tree as gays? That’s crazy and strangely validating as Ive always felt apart from LGBT like some wierd other larping as a cishet male. I mean I am meta attracted but I have some deep barriers preventing me from living that lifestyle.

Yeah. I actually heard about a story from Bailey of all people that claimed that the reason why homosexuality wasn’t weeded out by evolution was because the genes causing homosexuality could also produce “sensitive men” who were often heterosexual. It’s funny that he never realized the implications of it.

Anyway, you’d probably be alot happier if you let go of your repression. I used to have the whole “I could only have sex with men if I was an actual women” mentality but I now realize that it’s just homophobia on my part. Even if you haven’t transitioned or fully view yourself as a women you are still likely greatly enjoy taking a feminine role while havi g sex with a man.