I wish i could be an actual man

i wish i could be an actual man

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how arent you one

>bateman transition goals
your bpd is showing dude

I’m not OP but transgenderism is fake. Nothing can ever change you in a “real” way from what you were born as. IWNBAM

If you want to be a man you should start by working blue collar and working out instead of posting the new zoomer obsession. Actual adult men would make fun of you if they knew you posted this

5'3" so it's over
how tf am i bpd?
shut up tripfag

>no other reason
ok bro

take your test and be a real man ayyden. stop acting like a pansy faggot and act like a man

again NTA but why do people especially mtfs on this board think that trans guys can be negged/bullied into being less defeatist. It’s really obvious what you’re doing and so it has no effect. IWNBAM so why should I care about “manning up.” Why does any of it matter

because that's what boys are told growing up, your finally getting a taste of it and your acting like the biggest woman about it.

So what? I was told the same thing growing up because I was never treated like a girl and was always expected to help myself with any emotional or social or physical issues, it turned me into a schizoid NEET.

I dont understand ftm reppers. Wouldnt a man defy society and seize his destiny in both hands and wrestle it into a shape more pleasing to him?

Dont get me wrong i respect them and im not trying to make fun. Besides, I'm something of a repper myself, so i have no room to talk.

i believe in faggot dignity and you should too. wagmi even if we sound like gay little frogs. someone will have to come kill me to make me renounce my soft-handed internet age girl masculinity.

>turned me into a schizoid NEET.
welcome to male socialization lol. lift some weights and stop posting here you faggy little boy

You wouldnt look like bateman, you'd look like some ugly ape

I’m already lifting weights but it hasn’t made me a more functional person

Ape is too generous for pooners, they look like strange blobs of flesh

you need to lift heavier weights and learn how to box. you should also start learning how to fix a sink if you really wanna be a man

> strange blobs of flesh
that’s how women look by default

I know how to fix a sink and there is nowhere where I live where I could learn how to box, and I don’t leave the house enough anyways
I know how to do basic electrical wiring and how to fix some things around the house because my dad taught me

based. the more skills a man has the manlier he becomes. you should start woodworking

At least women are sculpted blobs, some pooners just look freaky looking. They look like satan has his way with some play dough

Unironically I was planning on doing that, I’ve got those gloves now that you can’t cut through so I don’t cut my fingers off, and some wood, I just gotta get the rest of the tools
My point with all of this is that it doesn’t make me feel less demoralized about my future and prospects. I’m a man or I’m not one. At the end of the day I’m still a neurotic NEET who will completely give up down the line and shoot myself

Lots of men shoot themselves and drink the pain away until then, your fine. Just keep focusing on your craft and improving your skill as a man. You can't mog another man harder then being more skilled

Women not look sculpted in the slightest. They’re disgusting, flabby, stacked up piles of fat with weak structural support. Women are the human body equivalent of slum houses.