The audacity of this bitch. Why are people like this so entitled? Especially groomers who send HRT to minors?

The audacity of this bitch. Why are people like this so entitled? Especially groomers who send HRT to minors?

Attached: 877665352231.png (610x521, 90.19K)

She's not great optics but you are literally from Any Forums

I'm not though. Not every flavor of queer is going to agree with kekffals.

Sending HRT to minors is terrible optics for trans rights. I'd say fuck the children they can sort it out when they're adults, but now people are going to give me weird looks due to these morons who believe children should have informed consent.

KF literally groomed a retard into raping his mom. that's just more reason why this should be closed lmao

>pedo groomer defends other pedo groomer
like pottery

Even if you morons destroy teh kiwifarms there will always be another asshole waiting to swat you. Kiwifarms isnt even that big of a threat to trans people, and the one troon who an heroed was not because she had a thread, but because she was homeless. She didn't die because she was bullied by the scawey kiwis, stop using her death to fit your agenda.

Her games sucked anyway.

>there will always be another asshole waiting to swat you
im not a streamer and im not autistic. im off the sights of kiwis

can we ban keffals on all major social media platforms for what she did with catboy ranch?

>Even if you morons destroy teh kiwifarms there will always be another asshole waiting to swat you. Kiwifarms isnt even that big of a threat to trans people, and the one troon who an heroed was not because she had a thread, but because she was homeless. She didn't die because she was bullied by the scawey kiwis, stop using her death to fit your agenda.
>Her games sucked anyway.
You present an excellent case for why Kiwi Farms and its upstanding users shouldn't be shut down.

>can we ban keffals on all major social media platforms for what she did with catboy ranch?
What did she do with catboy ranch?

>Sending HRT to minors is terrible optics for trans rights. I'd say fuck the children they can sort it out when they're adults, but now people are going to give me weird looks due to these morons who believe children should have informed consent.
Sending HRT to minors is one of the most philanthropic things one can do.

However, it should be done responsibly. They should be provided with resources that help them understand the effects and should talk to other people to help them decide if they'll later regret it or not.

haha seeth faggot. The internet never was and never will be your hugbox.
Children should not be allowed informed consent. Children cannot consent.

they can't consent to sex. they can consent to many other things. i know people like you want to make it so anti-vax parents can let their kids die from viruses, but personally, i think kids have a right to appropriate healthcare despite the parents efforts to prevent them from accessing it


Consent and age of consent is a social construction. Stop your forcing others to follow your narrow worldview.

every time you post this I'm going to post 3 more

Lol I love you've made the assumption that I'm anti-vax.

>they can consent to many other things.
Sorry groomer, no parent will ever agree to this sort of bullshit. And will do everything in their power to keep you away from their children, and rightfully so.

Don't conflate somebody who doesn't give their kid a smallpox shot with a parent who isn't on board with letting their kid transition.

Worse case they wait till they're 18. It's really not that fucking dire.

consent and age of consent are not social constructions or whatever they’re literally real go outside

They're a paedophile, if they go outside it will likely be their last in the free world.

KEFFAL Fags What are you doing? Metokur hates Josh. Kiwifags Doxed him and he and his wife had to change their names, twice. Get on his good side. You are failing. Keffals/Chloe I know one of these two are you. Attack Josh not Metokur. His sweetie squad can aid us.

>being an opticsfag
optics doesn't work for trannies, shut the fuck up

>no parent will ever agree to this sort of bullshit
parents are one of the biggest threats to children around, 90% of child sex pests are parents hurting their kids
stop defending groomers

Sending HRT to minors in the mail doesn't alleviate human trafficking retard.

tf do you mean us? we're shitposting on Any Forums, not campaigning against some site. that hoe got swatted and stalked by them so you cant blame her for wanting to retaliate. i dont give a fuck about what kind of person they are or anything they do.

my point is that 'muh parents' is a stupid fucking argument because a large number of parents are abusive psychos

>KEFFAL Fags What are you doing? Metokur hates Josh. Kiwifags Doxed him and he and his wife had to change their names, twice. Get on his good side. You are failing. Keffals/Chloe I know one of these two are you. Attack Josh not Metokur. His sweetie squad can aid us.
there's no "enemy of my enemy is my friend" here. an enemy is an enemy. if you are a transphobe chud, you are the enemy

It still makes straights want to make laws that infringe and restrict trans people. Let's sat a trans kid discovers they're trans at 14, they only have to wait 4 years before they can go to an informed consent clinic.
It's really not that bad.

yeah and their body has irreversibly changed by that point, I would have passed if I transitioned at 14, instead I transitioned at 19 and now I can never pass
also lmaoing at informed consent clinics, you know most western countries don't have those right?