What makes an identity valid?

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It is 2022, who cares.

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if merely identifying as something is enough to become that something then it is not valid. a person can identify as a musician, but they don’t actually become one until they spend hours of practice to develop a deep intuition for creating music. gender is no different - a they/them is only valid if the person is living a life in which their experience reflects that of what you’d expect from a they/them

This is the they them experience

true, they’re unironically more valid than the woman in op’s picrel. words need to mean something, even if that something is fucking retarded

What is a ‘valid’ they/them experience?

I wonder what happens when she needs to use the bathroom in public

someone who had their brains fucked by repping or something else and has a deep fried sense of gender and can no longer be male or female

anything androgynous that falls outside the norm of typical female/male bodies. if it takes people a moment to determine someone’s perceived sex (not figure out which pronouns to use based on presentation, but actual sex) then they’re a valid they/them

That excludes nearly every mtf and means only passers can be valid

true, only passers know what it is like to live as a woman, hons are left with fantasy delusions that they tirelessly hold on to as their sanity dwindles and fades

shits her diaper
runs home, waddling in poo

your identity is invalid

What did I say was my identity?

scientific evidence

why is every nonbinary person just a ciswomen who doesnt even try to look androgynous?
i think these girls have a trauma of some sort and once they get over it theyll accept being a woman.

validity is in the eye of the beholder, user

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i would totally hang out with her, seems like a cool girl! trans women are women

if it was true you wouldnt need to repeat it, itd be self evident.


What makes an identity valid is any given individual’s willingness to die for it