Is transitioning going to save her?

Is transitioning going to save her?

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who is it?

Omg I knew Timmy was a closet case

he's trying to be a woman?



I mean, I don’t think most of you will make it past 50 anyways

Mike got way less fat

maybe I shouldn't transition, if I looked like that I'd have to kill myself...

Is nerdiness in male populations just misdirected AGP? It's becoming increasingly difficult to avoid parallels.

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is that Keffals?

Be flaboyantly gay child, get beaten by father, regress into fantasy my choice was videogames, gee wonder why maybe cuz neediness us the least masculine male trait

No. Weight loss and good skincare routine will.

You can bet motherfucker mike is breeding that ass daily

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>that posture.
>Untrained voice, not even trying.
>Hairline/style long hair = gril
>Visible beard shadow, noattempt what so ever to color correct or literally anything.
It looks like they just decided they were trans and rolled with it. And people wonder why they get hit so hard with gender dysphoria when they look in the mirror if your average 24 year old metal head male passes better than you do as a woman.

MTF transition is like dark souls, literally get good.

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No in my case it was the only way to avoid being forced into sports by my dad, which made me cry as a kid bc I was really sensitive, and didn’t want muscles bc i thought they were ugly af.
My dad was a gen xer cringe nintendo stan (the type they used to have all over the place on other boards) so he was cool with that because it was his weird hobby. As I grew up and got more depressed they and stories on tgstorytime became my only hobbies.
I don’t play vidya anymore, I do fembrained interests like gardening, cooking, and astrology instead and I feel far happier about myself than on vidya brainrot. And I didn’t start doing these because I wanted to be more feminine, I just like them. To me that’s textbook hsts.

>Washed up entertainer goes "trans" for a boost of popularity.

Yeah this always works great look at Jimquisition.

Somehow this guy is only 32 years old. I would have thought he was in his 40s like James and Mike are. He looks unhealthy.

Big Ryanna fan by the way. Unfortunately it's 5:40 so I don't have time.

Gigachad mike the 10 incher

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if they stick at it they can pass as the average bri*ish dinner lady/school assistant