I unironically feel bad for ameritrannies

their neovaginas will always be objectively inferior becasue they lack that extra flap of skin

Attached: america.jpg (1024x682, 62.62K)

i dont. i hope every american on earth gets raped and goes to hell when they die.

child genital mutilation is wrong. Christians need to stop doing this to babies


It's not a christian thing, it's a jewish subservience thing

Frankenpussies are just belly buttons between their legs

Are you a christchan?

i get why jews do it (still fucked) but there's not enough baby jews to be doing this. why are Christians doing it? are they just braindead? even worse if they're non-chrsitans and non-Jewish, just hurting your kid out of habit? wtf

Not extremely, I just don’t like The Tribe
It’s crazy it’s almost like there’s a specific group that practices circumcision which has an outsized level of control over the country

>outsized level of control over the country
how does this make Christians want to hurt their kids willingly? they could simply say "no doc, the penis is fine as is"

Because most people are NPCs in some ways
They aren’t fully NPCs but the doctors ask and if you’re cut you’d just say yes because you’ve been indoctrinated

You're framing it wrong
It became an american cultural thing whether you're jewish or christian or non-religious, it's not that Christians specifically circumcise, everyone here does

>It's not a christian thing, it's a jewish subservience thing
jew here. what does that mean. christians are proving they're subservient to jews by circumcising their kids? are the jew police going to track them down and crucify them if they don't. how do they know these things

>It became an american cultural thing
Americans must be retarded then

imagine being cut and not restoring your dick skin so you can have the material needed a better neovagina

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I'm american and never got circumcised the fuck you on about? I have a vagina now anyway, so I don't care that I was uncircumcised.

all these weird racial panic and kike obsessed shit that makes you seem like a weirdo when all you have to say is
>it's a lot of effort for no reason
>doing plastic surgery on an infant without their consent is immoral
also the rate is rapidly falling in america. the more you know.

post unsee

you don't want to see a neovagina. they're for lubed up sex in the dark and thats it.

imagine wasting years of your life when you could have a vagina already

imagine wanting a weird looking neovagina made from a cut penis.

can someone post the surgeon who has before and after pics of cut and uncut trannies and shows the difference?

My dad just wanted me to kms later in life I guess, even after circumcision he was always trying to make me hate myself more and more

im american and im not circumcised