Taftaj is correct

maybe it will take a decade before people finally realize it but in the meantime the ones who do should have her back
I know this post won't drastically alter anyone's opinions but I hope it will be strong enough to stay at the back of you mind

Attached: taf.png (646x653, 317.36K)

I want to sex her so bad


literally who

Literally just a giga-youngshit who doesn’t understand how bad dysphoria can get + thought transitioning was a forever happiness hack. Transitioning is just a way to get to a normal baseline without dysphoria, everything else you have to work on in other ways

>taf thread
lose weight fatty


he has, and unironically they still look like cones despite transitioning so young

link those cones

she can say whatever she wants, she still lives as a woman and sexually advertises herself as a woman and always reposts trans women and is an literally a transbian so LOL


No wonder he's so fucking ugly

I would rub a cum load into his cone tits and then slap the shit out of them

taftaj x isaac

Attached: taf-isaac.png (633x481, 198.53K)

Wtf getting forehead lift like this when your brows look like they are constantly lifted? Whats that about? Is that how agps imagine sexually attractive women look like?

>subscribed to destiny

bro she's been on destiny's show a few times

What did she even say?

essentially that transitioning is mostly not worth it. that doing other things to improve your life (like being social) will have a much greater impact on your mental health and less costs than transitioning.
that even though there are benefits, the costs is mostly greater than what was gained.
also, that if you do transition, don't expect it to make your life great, that there is still a ton you have to work on personally to become a happy functioning person.

she isn't gonna transition though because she thinks she would have to incur similar costs again and not even be able to live as a cis man anyway, so she thinks she should just make do with what she has.

she’s already years on HRT wtf does she even mean “not gonna transition” it’s a little late LOL

going Post-op maybe?

I meant detransition. srry, typo.

They meant detransition.
Everything here is just common sense. Transitioning isn't supposed to make everything in your life perfect. It's solely to alleviate gender dysphoria. Sounds like she doesn't have much anymore though, so good for her.

no, she actually said she is still really dysphoric. and is BDD, thats why she says that it wasn't really worth it for her. that she put tens of thousands into it, and time, energy, social issues, etc. to not be completely relieved of dysphoria.

Ah, I misunderstood then. But yeah, it's only going to help with dysphoria and you can't get rid of it without it. Did she mention if she's trying to get better anyways with bdd and any other issues she has?

>Twitch Debates

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not that I remember. but I think she's more working on the therapy/religion/community route now.