Hi repressors, you know that if you keep this up you'll turn in to John, 50. Right?

>im a newfriend, whos john?
>ctrl f "john"

see you in 30 years, boomerhon.

Attached: you in 20-30 years.jpg (880x1173, 206.62K)

>see you in 30 years
try 23

we need to stop pinkpilling repressors. who else is going to make me feel better about myself 30 years down the line?

we're all going to be old ladies eventually

I was literally itsover.jpg when I started, but turned out ok. you have one life, dont fuck it up.

ok its a little funny but we shouldnt promote repressing desu, I do feel bad for boomerhons

yeah but pissing away 2/3 of your life being in the wrong gender is no way to live, there is 0 reason to repress.

oh quite repressing is idiotic

Why is it that when I actually ask and pursue it's just a fetish and not trans, but when I am passive and accept what I am told I am all of a sudden trans? Sounds like manipulation out of spite to me.

>you have one life, dont fuck it up.

i don’t think it’s the same ppl saying those things to you repkun

sometimes its reasonable to rep i think, have u read r/mypartneristrans? that shit is ropefuel

They had more information regarding my situation than any of you ever do. Most of the time its simply a deflection because they're being criticized so they gaslight you into thinking you're transgender as a way to make you angry, and if you get angry they take it as validation.
Asked here even, it made sense, I am not trans because I was told I am not trans. It's simple.

isn't this whole site just one person who goes by Anonymous

no, it's a couple user and anonette.

So i troon now, don't pass, kms after being ostracized, or get to live 2 decades and a half more before doing it? I'll take the second option.

just because something has been one way forever, doesnt mean it needs to keep being that way. You can change, you can be happy. You deserve to be happy.

I have, and I agree it's a problem. However, gender dysphoric people should not keep repping, it will make things worse for everyone involved.

>le scary n=1 anecdote guise xD

Gender is not that important

>I was literally itsover.jpg when I started, but turned out ok.
You will not provide proof of this.

>just troon out bro
>lose every onnection I have with my newfews and nieces
>lose every connection I ahve with their parents
>mom writes me off her will and never talks t m again
>friends never talk to me again
>have no support or life, either wagie or live as a homeless
>kill myself once estrogen money runs out or I fall deep enough into depression
Yeah no

why don't u just manmode then?

>JUST manmode

i mean if u dont want titties take prog and use binders