Socialization kills the ayden

I consider myself one of the most masculine and handsome posters on here buuut
I hung out last weekend with some foid friends and it immediately reactivated my foid brain
Since then I
>got my eyebrows done
>got some skin and haircare foidfrens recommended and i liked
What's wrong with me, i need some fellow men to hit the gym with, be dicks to foids n stuff

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Idk get some metrosexual macho douchebag kanacken friends to enjoy the gym, fashion and beauty stuff.

Was gonna respond seriously until I saw it was you.
Become imprisoned and you will have plenty of men to workout with without the temptation of women.

dumbass is easily influenced by others. you got groomed into srs and detransed. please be quiet.

Where to find that?
All my gay frens are just onions
>until I Saw it was you
>groomed into something I love about my body
>detrans despite having ffs in a month
What did newfriend mean by this?

Women are women, men are men. Took me a while to get it too. You're just pretending. Nothing wrong with that.
Guess my gender, btw.

What's wrong with being a femme man?
t. masc MTF

Sounds like malebrained tranny

Explains why you were in mtfg for so long and chopped your dick off

Non binary

>stopped taking e, takes t instead
>presents as male irl
you literally brag about it. please be quiet

this is like such advanced agp its come full circle

>stopped taking e, take t instead
yeah and?
>presents as male irl
boymoders are detransers now?
I prefer to be seen as male by people I don't know why I ID as enby

what's so hard about that to understand you retard?
I'm more aap than agp but def both to some degree
nothing if you aren't struggling to pass as male

>prefer to be seen as male by people
good lord i can't unpack all your crazy and retards follow your example. that's why it's a problem.

>unpack all your crazy
it's p rational
>can't deal with trauma rn
>prefer to be seen as male to avoid further trauma
simple as
dysphoria wise I have dysphoria bout some masc and some fem features
identity wise I'm firmly on enby

Troll on, Ayden, troll on

you sound gender fluid

You finally had your eyebrows done? I want to see.

I am
lol kk

For u

Attached: IMG_20220826_184601.jpg (4224x5632, 3.31M)

You're still at the stage of a middle school girl, but one day you'll get yassified, I'm rooting for you.

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