/gaygen/ Gay general

Tfw no angel dom bf

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I want to bake a pie, but I have nothing to fill it with and no money left for ingredients this month :(

So I had my date yesterday. It wasn’t bad, but I just didn’t feel a connection towards him. He was really boring, and kind of ugly. The whole time I was just thinking about my ex. At one point I got really angry and emotional and wanted to walk out of the movie. After the movie ended we just talked for a while and then I awkwardly said I had to go home. I got home and had trouble falling asleep because of how disappointed I was.

I’m just really sad now because it seems I can’t form a connection with anyone. All of my dates have gone wrong in some way.

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you have semen. never heard of cream pie?

what’s the trick to get matched with men like this?

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>no muscle bear nurse bf
I suffer daily

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I ran right into that one didn't I?

be asian

Girl I feel the same way about guys I meat on apps. But sometimes the first date is awkward and the next date is fun. But why would you go for a movie on a first date? I’m the movies you can’t talk much and get to know each other

do you have pics?

be a 15-22yo twink. that’s what most tops want

why are all nurses fat

I fucking hate when guys want to go to the movies, its really ableist towards people with zero attentionspan :/

>is that photo from a new photoshoot? I’ve never seen you post it

it's from her latest ig post doesn't she look so good??

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He’s actually a vet not a nurse

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have you tried focusing on actually connecting with another human being rather than just looks?

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are you bottom? what are your stats?

bottoms. when will they learn

the bears posted here always have the dumbest faces :/

You're never going to to find what you want in someone your own age who always has access to the internet and a cellphone. They're all completely dumb. You need to extend your dating range to 30-40 to find a guy who is established and has a real intellect not learned from the internet like Leadpig or Sissy. You will always be unhappy until you date older guys.

Don’t act like men aren’t highly visual

you didnt jerk him off in the dark or go to the bathroom? wtf /gaygen/ lied to me again

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sisma…why are you cub maxxing? Can’t you have a meaninful connection with a twink?
Crsi is honestly in the right and shouldn’t be settling for uggo men that she isn’t attracted to
wish I had the courage to wear earrings that big in public. Very cute

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I know it now :(

not even straight guys care about car years anymore

do you replace the headlight fluids every year?

Honestly I didn’t know you’re not supposed to park your car with P on automatic but use the emergency brake instead since it fucks up your transmission

I absolutely would date and share my entire life with a twink if I felt like emotionally he was the one for me. I wonder why you're encouraging me to do that tho?

Aw Im sorry to hear that :/ Did you exhange pics before meeting? how long since you and your ex broke up?


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gaming pc building has basically replaced car culture for straight men

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>implying a twink would want to know about your fetish for dogs

Uhhh I used both the e brake is for when you’re on a slope so it doesn’t wear down your break pads so much

I get non stop fucking attention from twinks so it would be refreshing if they thought like that

lmao thats like when repressors masc up and hit the gym and date trans girls so they can be on the other end of the original fantasy xd

>wish I had the courage to wear earrings that big in public.
you can do it sis! channel our sis's confidence

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No wtf I havent done that since I bought it. Maybe that's why they go out so often

>I get non stop fucking attention from twinks

highly doubtable

so true bestie
all they care about is if you have a tesla or not when it comes to cars but will obsess over what shit is in your pc box

Being attracted to someones looks is like the basis for a romantic relationship though? :s if you're not into someone physically there's no point in being anything but Friends



gd should cut his hair like this, thoughts?

Not secure enough in yourself to wear flamboyant earrings in public? Could never be me.

It never fucking ends

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