Can you be hsts and good at STEM?

Can you be hsts and good at STEM?

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my boss told me yesterday i'm a really good software developer and he can't see anywhere i need to improve :)
still no bf tho

I'm an androphilic MtF vers top, a hon, and I'm an integrated circuit designer.
So yes, you can.


Meta attracted agp

Not pretty enough to be husstuss, she probably got hsts confused with being a transbian.

>Meta attracted agp
Imagine being meta attracted to a point of fucking men in the ass.

shes a self proclaimed hsts the same way sophie is a self proclaimed hsts

For some reason bage, I can't see you as someone with an established career. No offense. That goes for a lot of people here. Like y'all will be all doomy and so unbelievable fixated on passing but then turn around and go work in your career. It's like it only affects your emotional maturity and not responsibilities. If anything that should be indicative of being able to get over this someday.

I hit almost all the HSTS bullet points, and have quite a lot of hsts friends. All prostitutes, and the one who isn't literally just has a rich older gay bf.
We're all legit to dumb for stem.

>can you speak Hebrew, study Judaism and not be a Jew?
Yes, obviously you can. It's just not common.


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I know 1 husstuss who is a massive crypto-bro and makes a shitload off it. The others I know are all hairdressers, masseuses etc.

>It's like it only affects your emotional maturity and not responsibilities.
i am a completely different person irl to who i am here. if not for certain autistic mannerisms like deleuze stanning you wouldn’t even know i’m the same person
when i come into work i stop being a person and start being a piece of a machine. the better that piece of the machine functions and utilises its value as a machine-part in negotiating better work, the more comfy i get to be and the less i have to worry about in terms of money. but when i come into work i shut every part of Real Me off because otherwise i can’t do my job

Interesting. That's well put. Maybe I should do the same since I get distracted easily. Although I don't have an important job like yours, I just work in retail.


Too masculine looking, obvious AGP. AGPs have a set of facial traits they can't hide.

Hsts and agp, like gay and straight men, can be identified facially.

Really should train some AI on this problem.

>AGPs have a set of facial traits they can't hide.
>Hsts and agp, like gay and straight men, can be identified facially.
its that the face has been pulled downward by muscles which is a sign of test exposure in the womb

Pulled downwards? What do you mean? So is gay face = low test exposure? high testosterone in the womb = pulled down muscles and that's straight?

I saw a thread the tip of the nose tilt being gay/not gay too lol. What's the deal with that?

Could you elaborate anonette. Ill love you for it...i do already but i will even more!

>its that the face has been pulled downward by muscles which is a sign of test exposure in the womb
that's total bullshit dude. look at the average young boy and girl faces, they're barely any different in terms of face length. face lengthening happens in puberty

The mastoid process is absent or rudimentary in the neonatal skull. It forms postnatally (starts to develop after 1 year old), as the sternocleidomastoid muscle develops and pulls on the bone.
mastoid process is typically more robust in males than in females and this is most likely due to
the larger muscles that insert on the mastoid. The larger the muscle, the more surface area
needed for attachment. This qualitative observation of the mastoid process is typically one
feature of the cranium used to determine the sex of a skeletal individual.
Visual assessment is
commonly used in estimation of sex from the mastoid region because it is fast. The terms to
describe the mastoid process are variable and reflect subjectivity in observation of the mastoid

maybe it starts as a young kid not in the womb like i assumed

Tfw can't get a good agp job like that, I'm jealous

Thank you for the explanation anonette, i really appreciate it, and love you!
So does this mean that pre-pubertal development is going to make even young transitioners look different?

Like pre-pubertal boys and girls could be id'ed easy by the mastoid?

i’m hsts (in the sense of being a former gay who transitioned) and i’m a programmer
i’m pretty bad at my job though and will probably eventually get fired but in the meantime i’m trying to keep the scam alive and pocket some FFS savings