I hate other MtFs

Why the fuck are other MtFs so fucking creepy to me just because I fucking pass. Like learn to fuckin respect women if you want to be a woman.

>Be me
>Have AGP "Fren"
>Block him because he keeps making weird comments about my bf fucking me and how large my breasts are
>He forces me to unblock him by pressuring my friends
>Does it again
>He fucking IDs as the victim and claims I'm harming his mental health by not wanting to be his friend
>Explain why me and him can't be friends
>"I want to be your friend"
>*Blocks him*


(Pic unrelated)

Attached: 9FBF781E-A9A1-4F43-B724-5D938AB54DB7.jpg (828x1026, 465.75K)

if ur gonna make up a story at least have it be interesting

it's real you fucking retard

>it's another tripfag blogposting episode

solid larp

Is it actually an MTF or just a repressor

You obviously shouldn't be friends with this person idk what else there is to say

now you know what afabs have to go through
literally just send the screenshots to people if they ask, it's not your problem anymore
learn to cut people off or stop complaining

>i hate other MtFs
this was such a good start op whyd you have to ruin it with this dogshit

Your massive ego is headed for a crash landing one day, I’d hate to be you when that tine comes

wow you sound like a toxic person I hope your friend group ostracizes you.

just only talk to cis women or trans people who're already in ur circle in some way

i think it's really funny how none of the mtfs here are supporting you when this type of behavior absolutely happens and they don't want to admit it. they hate you now because you have passing privileges and they never will

leave the trans community and run, or they will keep hurting you like this

If you pass then why are you still associating yourself with tranners

honestly i wish i had trans friends who lived closer to me
in some ways it's really isolating, i need people with similar life experiences sometimes to talk to

Correct instinct, they are crabs in a bucket and you’ve escaped the bucket. Don’t continue to hang with people who pressure you (the friends) or make you feel weird (creepy fren). They don’t have your well-being in mind, they have their own.
Hint: most of them do not actually respect women, they just covet womanhood.

Whoa whoa whoa, am I snesing some internalized transmisogyny my dude?

Because we buy people HRT

>now you know what afabs have to go through
Been transitioning since 14, kys.

Go back to twitter faggot, it’s not okay for MTFs to be creepy towards other women

and plenty of afabs get catcalled earlier than that
again, don't know why you're complaining about creepiness if you've lived as a woman for so long, you should be used to it by now

most of the trans people/lgbt people in general are insufferable normies. I can’t stand being around them. Especially since I’m a lil pooner, I hate being treated like a “wholesome lil dood :3” by fags irl. I couldn’t care less about having trans friends to relate to, personally.

It’s not normal for other women to express that behaviour, only moids are this creepy
